“Studium in Japan” (Study in Japan)- Heidelberg (May 24) and Freiburg (June 8)

Heidelberg office staff participated in the Studium in Japan” (Study in Japan) in Heidelberg on May 24, and in Freiburg on June 8. These events were organized by the Consulate General of Japan in Munich. With our aim to attract more students from Europe, Ms Nakamura, Deputy Director of Heidelberg Office gave presentation on the Kyoto University’s introduction and study in Kyoto.

Approximately 50 students from the University of Heidelberg and 30 students from the University of Freiburg, participated in these events, which revealed high interests of study in Japan. The presentation by the exchange students who had experience of study in Japan encouraged further interests of audiences toward Japan. Especially at the event in Heidelberg, a student studying in Heidelberg from KU, gave presentation on the merit of study, life and attractive points in Kyoto. At the networking session after the event, we have received further more questions than we expected.

These events was also co-operated with Nagoya University European Center (Freiburg). Prior to the event, it should be noted that JANET(Japan Academic Northern Europe Network)was established in 2015 autumn, which aims to enhance network and collaboration of Japanese Universities’ overseas offices in Europe. The joint event in the frame of the inter-university office cooperation, such as “Study in Japan” in Heidelberg and Freiburg, will give next step forward to attract further students from Europe.


▼Download Program (in German only)

“Studium in Japan” program in University of Heidelberg (May 24)
“Studium in Japan” program in University of Friburg (June 8)



Presentation by Student of the Kyoto University (Heidelberg)


Presentation about the Kyoto University (Freiburg)


FAQ by Students (Heidelberg)


