Prof. Devendra Singh of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) visited Kyoto University on January 8, 2016. Prof. Singh met with Prof. Kayo Inaba, executive vice-president for gender equality, international affairs, and public relations, Prof. Hisashi Miyagawa, dean of the Graduate School of Agriculture, and Prof. Akira Murakami of the Graduate School of Agriculture. Prof. Singh was visiting Kyoto University on behalf of IITB’s director, Prof. Devang V. Khakhar, to collect a memorandum for academic cooperation and exchange between Kyoto University and IITB, which had been signed first by Director Khakhar in Mumbai, and then by President Juichi Yamagiwa in Kyoto. The conclusion of the agreement represents the fruition of efforts that have been made since Prof. Murakami visited IITB in February 2015. During the meeting, the participants exchanged ideas for the further development of research collaboration between the two institutions under the new agreement.