京都大学欧州拠点メールニュース No.67 拠点所長が交代しました



そして今般、コロナ禍という日欧のみならず全世界にとって共通の大きな課題を前に欧州拠点所長に就任しました。 直接の往来など従来の交流が困難な状況にはありますが、課題を共有しながら打開策を講じ、新しい学術交流のあり方を模索していきたいと考えております。どうぞ引き続き、みなさまのご支援、ご協力をよろしくお願い申し上げます。」






1. 欧州拠点Now!
2. 国際共同研究のための外部資金公募情報
3. 短期留学プログラム(語学研修・異文化交流)の公募情報
4. 欧州拠点関連のイベント情報
5. その他の情報


1. 欧州拠点Now!





Covid-19 as a catalyst for new forms of learning

The current situation is truly unprecedented in the modern world from an educational point of view. COVID-19 pandemic forced educators to face the challenges, that well-established and given methods of teaching were suddenly made impossible without any advanced warning. 

After the initial questions about technologies were answered and people got more accustomed to using them, two new major problems became apparent: The activation of students and the interaction between lecturers and students as well as among students themselves. 

While most students are used to packed lecture halls with only the teachers speaking and find the recent practice of recorded lectures refreshing and helpful, the discussions or the exchanges of ideas with lecturers and fellow students in seminars were and are difficult to transfer to an online environment. Also keeping students engaged and motivated by making classes more lively, challenges teachers and lecturers everywhere. So the focus now switches from technology to didactics. 

Until recently, there was no major discussion about virtual teaching methods and e-learning tools like MOODLE or Brightspace were hardly used. But now, educators are looking into new ways of teaching and engaging with students on multiple channels. 

One example is a seminar held by Dr. Kilian Schultes and Ruby Ellis at Heidelberg University. Planned as an accompanying tutorial for a field trip, they turned their course  “Cymru/Wales: England’s Oldest Colony” into an innovative virtual course. Instead of recording lectures, they created a virtual learning environment offering materials from digital databases, archives, and video-sharing platforms supported by tutorials. Another example at Leiden University is, a linguistic professor uses online discussion boards “to create a community of learning” where course and personal matters can be discussed. And Stockholm University offers small remedies against loneliness like  in a 25 minute video clip, with which students can virtually study along with M. A. student Emma at the library to have some company (see the link below). These are not single phenomena and there are many creative approaches in different fields. 

Virtual education can’t substitute socializing to each other and the vivid exchange of ideas between people. However, it has its benefits. All these developments give students more freedom to self-organize their studies at their own pace, based on their own schedule. This situation also gets many teachers everywhere to reflect on new ways of teaching and get new perspectives, sharing their experiences and new teaching methods with other lecturers beyond academic fields.  And it is often encouraged by the universities’ executives, as well. 

Though Covid-19 itself causes many problems and difficulties for education, we can turn it into a chance to find the best of both worlds and it may have a positive effect on how we teach and learn in the future.

Further reading:

So erlebten Studierende und Lehrende das erste Digitalsemester (German only)

‘It’s going to be a different experience’: preparing for online learning at uni

 ‘Students feel vulnerable’: how Covid-19 has put a strain on mental health

Umstellung auf digitale Formate (German only)

Study with Emma

Pressure cooker for education

Focus on the learning, not just the spread of COVID-19

Help find solutions to some of the world’s toughest digital education challenges

Effizienter unterrichten (German only)

Students meet each other from a distance








  • 教育・研究の現状について
  • オンライン等を活用した国際交流活動の実施状況
  • 物理的な移動を伴う国際交流活動再開(見込み)


2. 国際共同研究のための外部資金公募情報



■キヤノンヨーロッパ財団欧州研究奨学金・公募事業名:Canon Foundation Fellowships

  • 趣旨:ヨーロッパと日本の相互理解を促進することを目的として、ヨーロッパおよび日本の研究者に支給
  • 対象分野:全ての科学・研究分野
  • 支援期間:3~12か月 
  • 応募資格:分野や年齢の制約なし、博士号取得後10年以内、欧州へ初めて渡航および他の助成金を受けていない申請者を優先。
  • 助成金:22,500~27,500 EUR/年
  • 申請締切:2021年2月15日
  • 申請書・詳細:https://www.canonfoundation.org/programmes/research-fellowships/


3. 短期留学プログラム(語学研修・異文化交流)の公募情報





  • 開催期間:2021年2月6日 – 2月19日
  • 応募締切:2020年12月31日
  • (但し、受講費免除枠に関する学内締切は2020年12月11日(金)17時、詳細はKULASIS参照)
  • 実施形式:オンライン
  • テーマ :The Discovery of Modernity Vienna Around 1900
  • 受講費 :675€ ※別途登録料€20.20が必要
  • コース :以下4コースから2コースまで選択可  
    • Art and Design in Vienna around 1900
    • Society, Politics and Daily Life in Fin-de-siècle Vienna
    • Music and Musical Culture in Vienna around 1900
    • Psychoanalysis and Literature in Sigmund Freud’s Vienna
  • 応募方法:以下のKULASISの「留学情報」参照(学内限定)
  • https://www.k.kyoto-u.ac.jp/internal/information_detail?no=3644
  • 詳 細:https://shs.univie.ac.at/winter-school/
  • 備 考:本学学生を対象とした受講費免除枠(2コース分)あり


4. 欧州拠点関連のイベント情報



5.  その他の情報





拠点所長:横山 美夏
スタッフ@京都:神野 智世子、園部 太郎、鮎川 慧、坂本 翼

Address:Augustinergasse 2, 69117 Heidelberg
Tel:(+49) (0)6221 54 30034
[WEB] https://www.oc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/overseas-centers/eu/
[Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/kuec.heidelberg/




