HeKKSaGOn × L-INSIGHT Spin-off Programme “Dialogues for Future Research and Science with Early Career Researchers” (Heidelberg| 29 November 2024)

Since 2021, the HeKKSaGOn Alliance of Universities and Kyoto University’s L-INSIGHT organise the “Dialogues for Future Research and Science with Early Career Researchers (ECRs)” to advance collaboration among their brightest young researchers. This November the event transitioned to an in-person format after being limited to online meetings. The new format enabled engaging in deeper discussions and making stronger connections.

The young researchers from our HeKKSaGOn German partner universities and Kyoto gathered at Heidelberg University’s Senate Hall for a warm welcome reception on the evening ahead of the event. Encouraged to transcend cultural and disciplinary boundaries, they were invited to collaborate on addressing the urgent challenges of our time. From the outset, lively discussions about their work and experiences filled the room.

Opening of the reception on the evening ahead of
HeKKSaGOn × L-INSIGHT Spin-off Programme 
ECRs become acquainted at the reception

The main event on 29 November was inaugurated by insightful remarks from L-INSIGHT Program Manager, Prof. Fuyuki Ishikawa (Vice-President for Research Support, Kyoto University) and Prof. Karin Schumacher (Vice Rector for Quality Development and Sustainability, Heidelberg University). Following the presentation by the L-INSIGHT fellows, on the themes of their three dialogue groups – “The Universe and Biological Interface: A Quest for Our Origins and Evolution,” “Emerging Contaminants and Acceptable Health Risks in Water,” and “Integration of Emerging Technologies into a Sustainable Human Society” – the young researchers delved into stimulating discussions. The breadth of topics ranged from evolutionary genetics, nuclear physics, environmental engineering, medical history, structural engineering and beyond.

After the dialogues, the participants gathered again and introduced the outcome of each groups followed by a brief Q&A session.  The event concluded with thoughtful remarks from Prof. Dr. Jun Suzuki (iCeMS: Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Science, Kyoto University) and former Heidelberg University Rector, Prof. Dres. h.c. Bernhard Eitel.

The “Dialogues for Future Research and Science with Early Career Researchers” 2024 provided a unique opportunity for early career researchers to connect through their shared passion for scientific inquiry. The fellowship extended beyond the official program, as participants explored the Heidelberg Christmas market together and continued their stimulating conversations over dinner.

The next event is schedule for 2025. We hope to welcome many more ECRs to join the conversation.

ECRs and staff exchanging thoughts and ideas ECRs presenting their research in the parallel panels
ECRs chatting at a break between panels Participants of HeKKSaGOn × L-INSIGHT Spin-off Programme 2024

To solidify this partnership, a delegation led by Professor Ishikawa visited the German partner institutions, Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, in January / February 2024.   We held discussions with the vice-presidents in charge of international affairs at each university about how to proceed with this HeKKSaGOn spin-off programme. We would like to express our gratitude to all those involved, including Heidelberg University, which hosted the event.

Further Information
