The 5th Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture*: Is the Japanese Society becoming a slow society? Various phenomena and discourses in contemporary Japan (Evelyn Schulz, Heidelberg University Alumni, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich)

Lecturer: Prof. Evelyn Schulz

Commentator: Prof. Mariko Yoshida

Date: 7 November 2017, 18:15–19:45


Kyoto University Yoshida International Exchange Hall, 1st floor Southern Lecture Hall, Yoshida Campus



The 5th Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture will be held by Evelyn Schulz who studied at Heidelberg University. Since the 19th century the Japanese society underwent profound changes following the multilayered processes of modernization and globalization. 

In this lecture Prof. Schulz will present a variety of these phenomena and will evaluate the potential of the discourse of slowness as part of the theory of modernity as a perspective for answering the question if “Japan is becoming a slow society”.

We expect that the German “Industry 4.0” and the Japanese “Society 5.0” as a response to the 4th industrial revolution are giving an ideal opportunity to rethink the future of societies.

The lecture is free for anyone. We’re looking forward to your participation.





18:15 Welcoming Adresse

Lecture Evelyn Schulz (Ludwig-Maximillian-University Munich, Japan Center)

“Is the Japanese Society becoming a slow society? Various phenomena and discourses in contemporary Japan”




Prof. Mariko Yoshida (Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences (ILAS))

19:20 Q & A, Discussion
19:45 Reception (at Heidelberg University Office Kyoto)
20:30 Closure



Deadline: 2 November

Please send us an e-mail containing your name and affiliated organization to the following address:

Heidelberg University Office Kyoto


Telephone: 075-753-5413




Heidelberg University graduate. Prof. Schulz has been a guest at Kyoto University several times and is teaching at Munich University. Her subjects of research are the criticism of modernity in modern Japan and modernization theory as well as urbanism and the theory of urban spaces from a cultural and literary studies perspective.


Prof. Mariko Yoshida

Professor at the Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences (ILAS). Her field of studieis Labor and social security law. While comparing political measures for employment and social security in Europe (especially Germany and Austria), she also critically inquires the interaction between the changes of the Japanese society and the Labor and social security lawmaking. She lived in Europe for over 30 years and is back in Japan for one year.



* The lecture series “Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture” is organized in close cooperation of the Kyoto University European Center, Heidelberg Office, and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto, the liaison offices of both universities in Japan and Germany. It aims at promoting and strengthening research exchange between Heidelberg University and Kyoto University.

