Due to the ongoing pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19), severe travel restriction including immigration control and quarantine were declared in each country and region.
For the DAAD-Kyoto University Partnership Program awardees(2020-2021), we request you to consider your travel plan carefully while observing the “University’s response to the Novel Coronavirus” on the following website.
Kyoto University’s Response to the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Other References
- KyotoU’s Guideline for Overseas Travels (Japanese only / Kyoto U international server only)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Japan
・Overseas Travel Safety Information provided b MoFA (Japanese only)
・Covid-19(Travel restriction from Japan to overseas countries)(as of March 27, 2020)(Japanese only)
- 【間: AI DA】FAQ (Japanese only)
- DAAD’s Responce to the Coronavirus
These reference information will be updated on this portal site.
Should you have any inquiries or changes on the schedule of researchers exchange, please contact your AI DA staff.
Thank you for your kind understanding, and we sincerely hope your safety.
Your AI DA staff.
京都大学 学術研究支援室 【間:AI DA】事務局 (園部、桑田、仲野、鈴木、Wittfeld、中久保)
Kyoto University Research Administration Office【間:AI DA】Team
Taro Sonobe, Osamu Kuwata, Asa Nakano, Tamaki Suzuki, Aron Wittfeld, Takao Nakakubo
TEL: 075-753-5179, E-mail: aida@kura.kyoto-u.ac.jp