Venue: Goethe-Institut Villa Kamogawa+Online (Zoom live broadcast)
Japanese-English Simultaneous Interpretation
Program Outline
[AI DA (Ambitious Intelligence Dynamic Acceleration)] is the generical term name for the programmes managed by Kyoto University Research Administration Center(KURA) in collaboration with international funding agencies, etc., in which we aim to accelerate international career development of ambitious young researchers (early career researchers, ECRs).
Currently, the DAAD-Kyoto University Partnership Programme towards SDGs provides funding to assist the mobility and networks of ECRs in order to foster academic exchange and cooperation between higher education and research institutions in Germany and Kyoto University for the purpose of contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). For further detail, please visit (KURA) and DAAD website.
[AI DA] team also collaborates with partner institutions; foundations, cultural and industrial organisations and provides useful information and opportunities for ECRs.
▶ Visit Partners’ introduction
▶ Activity Report (FY 2021) download
▶ Activity Report (FY 2019) download
【Funding Information】
・Funding Your Research in Germany (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
・Japan-Germany Grant-Fellowship list(made by KURA)
・Comprehensive International Funding Database “Pivot-RP for Kyoto University”
Contact: Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA) : AIDA Program Team
E-Mail: aida-a-kura.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace “-a-” with “@”.)