Host Researcher in Germany:
- Dr. Michael FÄRBER, Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- Hold an online meeting once a month
- Exchange of information for joint research on scholarly communication
Motivation for application
To conduct joint research on scholarly communication with a German institution
I currently work on research and development related to scholarly communication at the Kyoto University Library. With the acceptance of artificial intelligence technologies by the society, libraries are expected to provide scholarly information not only to humans but also to machines. The German researchers with whom I have interacted in this program are working on machine-readable knowledge graphs of scholarly information and their applications such as recommender systems. Therefore, I applied to the AI DA program to conduct research with them.
Online meetings and a joint publication
Due to the COVID-19, we could not travel to each other. Thus, we have exchanged through online meetings using Zoom every month and worked remotely on joint research.
The German researchers talked about their efforts to provide scholarly information resources such as Microsoft Academic Graph in Resource Description Framework (RDF). I, the Japanese researcher, presented a recommender system of library resources using the OAI-PMH, which connects library systems (e.g., OPAC, institutional repository) with an e-book system BookRoll. Since in Germany all university courses have had to be conducted online during the COVID-19 pandemic, the German researchers were highly interested in the recommender system embedded in an e-book system. Furthermore, all researchers participating in this project worked together on a joint publication, which was submitted to an international conference (JCDL’22). We could gain a foothold for future collaboration.
In this program, I could not travel to KIT-AIFB and interact with the researchers. Therefore, when the end of the pandemic of COVID-19 comes, I will visit this world-renowned institute and not only exchange with the researchers on research topics but also observe the research system and organization (e.g., conducting research with students in seminar classes) in order to explore an efficient way of research and development. I would like to apply their work for building a knowledge graph of scholarly information, which I was able to hear about during series of online meetings, to Japanese scholarly information.