[Funding Information]
Yamaoka Memorial Foundation and Springer Nature
19 November 2021
Yamaoka Memorial Foundation: apply by Friday 7th January
and Springer Nature: apply by Monday 28th February


Yamakoka Memorial Foundation and Speinger Nature, “fluent” partner institutions of [AI DA] programme, open calls for research funding.

[Yamaoka Memorial Foundation] Research Funding for Youth Culture and Lifestyle in Japan and Germany

Deadline Friday 7th January 2022

(1) Eligible are both individual research and group research.
(2) No restrictions apply to the nationality and affiliated institutions of applicants and research members. However, all researchers must be resident in Japan or Germany and must be under 40 years of age as of January 7, 2022.
(3) Eligible to receive funding is research in the field of human and social science consistent with the research theme.
(4) Research already completed is not eligible to receive funding.
Moreover, applications are ineligible to receive funding in the following cases.
 – When funding is to be allocated to the funding of activities and normal operations such as of NPO corporations
 – When the purpose of funding is limited to purchasing goods and materials
(5) As a general rule, researchers are responsible for their research results. The Foundation accepts no liability for the content of research results. Impropriety will be made public.

Research theme
(1) Trends in culture and consumer activities surrounding fields such as film, music, manga, and art
(2) Trends in daily-life features such as fashion, eating habits, and residential preferences
(3) Changes in lifestyles surrounding areas such as child raising, work, love, and marriage
(4) Changes in social perceptions and movements relating to issues such as immigration, minorities, gender, and environment

Eligible fields Social Sciences

Number of funding awards 4 (prospective)

Funding amount JPY 300,000 per research

Details https://yamaoka-memorial.or.jp/en/research_grant/index.html


[Nature Awards] New competition to improve scientific awareness

Lifting the lid on science – Nature Awards launches new competition to improve scientific awareness.
Science in Shorts, a new competition from Nature Awards and Springer Nature in partnership with Merck KGaA, encourages scientists to enhance the accessibility of their research through short, creative videos (1 minute) that highlight the importance of their work and engage the public with science.

Deadline Monday 28 Feburuary 2022

Prize amount 5,000 EUR

Eligibility Participants must have published a paper, or had a paper accepted for publication, in a Nature Portfolio journal between 1st November 2020 and 1st November 2021, not necessarily as the lead or corresponding author. See a full list of eligible Nature Portfolio journals here (https://www.nature.com/nature-portfolio/for-authors/nature-research-journals).

Notification July 2022

Number of prizes 10

Details https://www.nature.com/collections/haifdbjach

Press release https://bit.ly/3CsfG5h