Toward building a hierarchical meteorological model system for clouds research
Tomoro Yanase
Ph.D. Student, Disaster Prevention Research Institute
Host Institution in Germany: Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M)
Year of Award: FY 2020

Host Researchers in Germany: 

  • Prof. Dr. Bjorn Stevens, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M)


  • Exchanging information and attending international conferences online


  • Discussion about the numerical modeling in atmospheric science and future collaboration
*International travel was restricted due to the effects of COVID-19 and online activities were conducted alternatively.

Motivation for application

To learn numerical model studies from the world’s leading climate scientist 

I currently study the role of clouds in climate, based on idealized numerical simulations. In order to understand the climate system and to obtain a better projection of future climate, it is necessary to use numerical models appropriately with various complexity according to the specific research goals. Dr. Bjorn Stevens at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, who has conducted a wide range of numerical model studies, is one of the world’s leading climate scientists. I applied for the AIDA program to communicate with Dr. Bjorn Stevens and deepen my understanding of hierarchical cloud research from basic to applied research.



Exchanging information

Although I gave up my originally planned seminar trip to Germany due to COVID-19, I exchanged some emails with Dr. Bjorn Stevens and Dr. Cathy Hohenegger at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology. I received information about the situation concerning research workshops in Germany. Also, I reported on the progress of my research.  

Attending international conferences

Despite the bad influence due to COVID-19, the online international conferences were promoted this year, and for example, it has become possible to listen to Dr. Bjorn Stevens’ keynote speech at the Supercomputing Conference even from Japan. Because of this difficult social situation, I learned the importance of the taking advantage of the convenience of recently wide spreading online conferences.



First of all, I will focus on completing my dissertation at Kyoto University this year. Then, keeping in mind that I will challenge to stay in Germany as a postdoctoral researcher in the near future, I will keep in touch with the researchers, who I contacted through the AIDA program. I would like to adapt to new research style in the post-corona generation, such as taking advantage of opportunities of online international conferences.


Tomoro Yanase, PhD student, Disaster Prevention Research Institute