[Published] Aida team released the Annual Report 2019; including Reports by ECRs and introduction of our partners.
Date and time: April 14, 2020
Contents: Researcher's report | After Stories | AI DA Events | Fluent Networks

[Publish] Aida team released the Annual Report 2019


【間:AI DA (Ambitious Intelligence, Dynamic Accelera-tion) 】 is a generic name of the programs to promote internationalization of research developed and man-aged by Kyoto University Research Administarion ffice in collaboration with international funding agen-cies etc., in which we aim to accelerate carrier devel-opment of ambitious early carrier researchers (ECRs).

Currently a partnership programme is operated jointly with DAAD in Germany.

By 2019, we have promoted the formation of fifteen international research collaborative networks through the acceleration of ECRs mobilities between various research groups in Germany and Kyoto University through our AI DA Program.

These collaborative net-works, covering diverse research fields over hu-manities and social science, engineering and science, and life science, are initiated by the highly motivated ECRs who are committed to endeavor for “challeng-ing” and “multi-disciplinary” research works towards SDGs 2030.

In [AI DA] program, we have been also creating a new friendly connections and partnerships among various organizations such as public funding agencies, private foundations, an academic publishing company, and private companies based on our mutual trusts and friendships to encourage ECRs having the “challeng-ing” minds and high motivation towards future re-search works.

Our initiative aims at creating and reviving a connection and relationship between Uni-versity and Society to symphonize the essential values of “challenging” and “multidisciplinary” academic re-search works explored by ECRs through dialogues and communications among various organizations from diverse viewpoint.

We, hereby, commit to continuously support the “challenging mind” and “high motivation” of ECRs and build up an ECR -supportive society steadily step by step.


Kyoto University Research Administration Office (KURA) 

(Download report;pdf, 3.3MB)