The U.S.-Japan Research Institute (USJI) offers subsidies for researchers of the sponsoring universities to promote their research activities with the aim of providing policymakers and business leaders in the U.S. and Japan with new perspectives based on academic research results. If you are interested in the subsidy opportunities below, please contact the International Affairs Division.If there are several candidates proposed within the university, an internal selection will be conducted.
1. Program Name: USJI Research Project
2.Eligible Candidates:
Faculty members (professors and associate professors) of Kyoto University
3. Eligible Research Fields:
Research centered on US-Japan relations and relating to addressing global issues in the fields of environment/energy, security, regional cooperation/integration, and science and technology policy (including digital science and technology, information security, and AI).
4. Requirements for Research Project:
A. Project members
1)Project leader must be a faculty member (professor or associate professor) of Kyoto University.
2)At least one researcher from an institution in the U.S. must be included in the project
3)Project members must be either:
a.Researchers (including doctoral students) of USJI sponsoring universities
(including Kyoto University), or
b.Faculty members (professors and associate professors) of non-sponsoring universities.
B.Research results must be publicized
1)At Seminar
Seminars must be held once a year or more in Washington D.C.
(Holding seminars during the USJI Week (March 4–13, 2019) is preferable.)
2)Through USJI Voice
Project leaders are required to submit reports once a year or more to the USJI Voice as lead authors.
5.Activities to be Supported with the Subsidies:
1)Holding of a seminar
Travel and accommodation expenses will be covered based on the USJI guidelines.
(Note: The International Affairs Division will cover travel expenses for 2 speakers of project members of Kyoto University, based on the university’s Regulations for the Provision of Travel Expenses. We will cover travel expenses up to ceiling of JPY 300,000 per person.)
2) Reporting to the USJI Voice
JPY 20,000 will be paid as remuneration for each report submitted to the USJI Voice.
6. Procedures for Holding a Seminar:
1) Submit the “USJI Seminar Application Form” and “USJI Subsidy Application Form”
to the division in charge (International Affairs Division).
2) As a general rule, seminars must be co-hosted with other institutions (universities, research
institute, think tanks, etc., in or near Washington D.C.) to be selected by project members.
3) Participants must be the project members. However, non-project members are also allowed to participate in the seminar. (The recorded video of the seminar will be made accessible for the public on the USJI website.)
7. USJI Voice:
To promote a greater understanding of Japan within the United States, the USJI will publicize policy recommendations as “USJI Voice” on timely topics that were prepared by researchers of USJI-sponsoring universities. For more details, please see the attached file of “About USJI Voice.”
8.Submission Deadline:
・Research project
Applications are accepted until September 10 (Mon.) 2018.
・Seminar application (“USJI Seminar Application Form”and“USJI Subsidy Application Form”)
To be determined after your project is selected as a USJI research project.
International Relations Promotion Section, International Affairs Division,
Planning and Information Management Department
E-mail: ipromo@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
10. Related Websites:
YARI (Kyoto University website for information on external funding opportunities):
https://apps.kura.kyoto-u.ac.jp/fund-search/detail.php?id=3601 (in Japanese)