13th UAW Program and Details

Main Theme

Fostering Sustainable Talent Systems for University Administrators Responsible for International/Global Activities and Strategies


Sub-Themes: OIA

O for Originality

Employment and promotion systems of administrators responsible for international/global activities and strategies.

Description & Framing Questions:
What is the hiring system/procedure for university administrators responsible for international/global activities and strategies? What skill sets and competencies does your office seek when hiring administrators responsible for international/global activities and strategies? Once on the job, what are some of the “career path” choices for the new, mid-career, experienced administrators responsible for international/global activities and strategies? What would be some of the benefits and challenges if the administrators for international/global activities and strategies were foreigners?

The presenters of Sub-theme O should share, either from their own experience or from their offices’ perspective, the solutions and/or challenges of the employment and promotion systems of university administrators responsible for international/global activities and strategies.

I for Infinity

Practices of office/team knowledge management for international/global activities and strategies.

Description & Framing Questions:
What are some of the practices of office/team knowledge management for the new, mid-career, experienced administrators responsible for international/global activities and strategies? Some of the examples might be setting up standard operating procedures (SOPs), implementing on-job mentor/shadowing system, and/or developing international database system in order to record international activities.

The presenters of Sub-theme I should share, either from their own experience or from their offices’ perspective, the examples of office/team knowledge management for the new, mid-career, experienced administrators responsible for international/global activities and strategies. What works and what does not work? What would be some of “dream practices” of office/team knowledge management?


A for Affinity

Practices of on-job competency for career advancements of administrators responsible for international activities/strategies.

Description & Framing Questions:
What are some of the practices of on-job competency developments for university administrators responsible for international/global activities and strategies? Some of the examples might be on-job training workshops, foreign language programs, staff exchange and mobility program (e.g. UAW, Erasmus+ staff training week), on-job Masters/PhD program options for administrators. How will such on-job competency developments provide career advancements in international education administration?

The presenters of Sub-theme A should share, either from their own experience or from their offices’ perspective, the examples of on-job competency developments in various stage of the new, mid-career, experienced administrators responsible for international/global activities and strategies. What works and what does not work? What would be some of “dream practices” of on-job competency developments that enable career advancements in various roles of administrators play in developing international activities/strategies


International Affairs Division
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E-mail kokusa850*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please replace “*“ with “@”)
