京都大学 国際シンポジウム INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUMS 国際シンポジウム

Bordeaux-Kyoto Symposium 2014

Bordeaux-Kyoto Symposium 2014



Monday, May 5

8:45 Coffee and Registration
Hall de l’Atrium
9:00-9:40 Opening of the Symposium & Ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding
@ Amphi Durkheim
Manuel Tunon de Lara, President of the University of Bordeaux
Michiaki Mishima, Executive Vice President, Kyoto University
9:40-10:00 Presentation of Research and International Cooperation
@Amphi Durkheim
Vincent Dousset, Vice-President for International Affairs, University of Bordeaux
Kiyoshi Yoshikawa, Executive Vice President for Research, Kyoto University
10:10-10:30 Coffee Break / Photo
@Hall Leyteire/ Hall du Parvis
10:30-11:00 Keynote Lecture 1: Prof Tasuku Honjo, Kyoto University
“Academic innovation of cancer immunotherapy by PD-1 antibody”
@Amphi Durkheim
11:00-11:30 Keynote Lecture 2: Prof Georges Hadziioannou, University of Bordeaux
“The Genesis and Rise of the flexible and printable “Polymer Organic Electronics” Science and Technology: birth of a new industry”
11:30-12:15 Presentation of the Horizon H2020 programme
Olivier Steffen, EU and international cooperation project officer French Ministry of Higher Education and Research
12:15-13:30 Lunch
@Hall de l’Atrium
13:30-17:00 Parallel Sessions I

  1. 1. Philosophy @Room 31
  2. 2. Archeological sciences @Room 33
  3. 3. Territory and Environment @Room 39
  4. 4. Organic, Biological and Materials Chemistry @Room 40
  5. 5. Nutrition and Public Health @Room 41
  6. 6. Inorganic Chemistry and Photonics @Room 42
  7. 7. Engineering and Computer Science @Room 43
  8. 8. Academia-Industry partnership in medical innovation @Room 44
  9. 9. Medical Imaging and its Application to Clinical Medecine @Room 45
  10. 10. New Generation Functional Materials for Diagnosis and Cure of Diseases @Room 46
  11. 11. Cell Function Control by Membrane Meso-Domains and Cell-Material interactions @Room 47
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
@Hall Leyteire
17:00 Optional Visit
@Museum of Ethnography
20:00 Conference Dinner

Tuesday, May 6

8:30-12:00 Parallel Sessions II

  1. 1. Philosophy @Room 31
  2. 2. Archeological sciences @Room 33
  3. 3. Territory and Environment @Room 39
  4. 4. Organic, Biological and Materials Chemistry @Room 40
  5. 5. Nutrition and Public Health @Room 41
  6. 6. Inorganic Chemistry and Photonics @Room 42
  7. 7. Engineering and Computer Science @Room 43
  8. 8. Academia-Industry partnership in medical innovation @Room 44
  9. 9. Medical Imaging and its Application to Clinical Medecine @Room 45
  10. 10. New Generation Functional Materials for Diagnosis and Cure of Diseases @Room 46
  11. 11. Cell Function Control by Membrane Meso-Domains and Cell-Material interactions @Room 47
12:00-13:15 Lunch
@Hall de l’Atrium
13:15-15:45 Parallel Sessions III
(preparation for wrap-up 11 parallel sessions)

  1. 1. Philosophy @Room 31
  2. 2. Archeological sciences @Room 33
  3. 3. Territory and Environment @Room 39
  4. 4. Organic, Biological and Materials Chemistry @Room 40
  5. 5. Nutrition and Public Health @Room 41
  6. 6. Inorganic Chemistry and Photonics @Room 42
  7. 7. Engineering and Computer Science @Room 43
  8. 8. Academia-Industry partnership in medical innovation @Room 44
  9. 9. Medical Imaging and its Application to Clinical Medecine @Room 45
  10. 10. New Generation Functional Materials for Diagnosis and Cure of Diseases @Room 46
  11. 11. Cell Function Control by Membrane Meso-Domains and Cell-Material interactions @Room 47
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
@Hall Leyteire
16:15-17:30 Plenary wrap-up & closing speech
@Amphi Durkheim
Yannick Lung, Vice-President of Research University of Bordeaux
Michiaki Mishima, Executive Vice President, Kyoto University
17:30 Close


京都大学はボルドー大学 (Université de Bordeaux)との共催で「Bordeaux-Kyoto Symposium」を開催しました。2011年、Campus of Excellenceとしてフランス国内で認定を受けた3校の一つであるボルドー大学と本学が、さまざまな研究分野で接点を作り、両大学間の国際共同研究の推進に寄与することを目的としたシンポジウムで、本学からは理事、教員、学生、事務スタッフ等総勢54名、ボルドー大学からの参加者約60名、2日間でのべ200名を超える参加者が出席しました。

シンポジウムはManuel Tunon de Lara ボルドー大学長、三嶋理晃 理事・副学長からの挨拶の後、本学とボルドー大学で学術交流協定締結の署名式を行いました。Vincent Dousset ボルドー大学国際担当副学長と吉川潔 理事・副学長による各大学の紹介の後、本庶佑 医学研究科客員教授とGeorges Hadziioannou ボルドー大学理学研究科教授による基調講演が行われました。
