グランド・チャレンジ・シンポジウム2015 -人口変動と長寿社会
UCL-Kyoto Grand Challenges Symposium, 7-9 December 2015
Demographic Change and Longevity
Introduction and Purpose
Meetings between the President of Kyoto University, Juichi Yamagiwa, and former UCL Vice-Provost (Heath), Sir John Tooke, in October 2014, and with UCL Provost, Michael Arthur in February 2015, resulted in an agreement to facilitate collaboration between researchers at UCL and Kyoto University (also with Osaka and Tohoku Universities and the Tokyo Institute of Technology). On the basis of the agreement, Dame Nicola Brewer, UCL Vice-Provost (International) asked the UCL Grand Challenges programme to link up with Kyoto University, in order to plan and deliver a Grand Challenges Symposium focused on a specific Grand Challenges-appropriate research theme (rather than a series of bilateral collaborations), in line with UCL’s strategic objectives of creating a collaborative network across a number of Japanese universities, and for UCL to act as linchpin for wider UK engagement with Japanese university researchers.
Dr Ian Scott (Principal Facilitator, Grand Challenges) and Professor Nick Tyler (Chair of the steering committee for the Grand Challenge of Human Wellbeing, GCHW) subsequently proposed and agreed with staff of Kyoto University and collaborating institutions the development of a Grand Challenges Symposium (GCS) at Kyoto University on Demographic Change and Longevity, as a specific research-focused topic of significant relevance to society in Japan and the UK.
The objective of the UCL-Kyoto University GCS is to identify novel research questions posed by the challenge of ageing societies. By combining the expertise of UCL and Japanese researchers from different scholarly fields the GCS presents a unique opportunity to discuss and agree priorities for joint research. Participating researchers have been invited in their interventions to propose possible topics for inclusion in a future research programme that bears upon major concerns relating to ageing and its impact on society. The main task for GCS participants will therefore be to define research questions for collaborative projects between UK and Japanese researchers which could be developed as funding proposals to agencies in the UK and Japan. The questions identified should hold strong potential to generate robust data and conclusions that will help policy makers reach well-informed decisions on the actions needed to sustain the health and wellbeing of people as they age, and to strengthen intergenerational equity.
The UCL-Kyoto University GCS is the first major Grand Challenges symposium to be held outside the UK. It is a distinct honour for UCL that it is taking place in Japan, jointly with the University of Kyoto. We hope that the outcome of the GCS will be of great value and merit to all concerned – to individual researchers, their universities, and to society in the UK and Japan and across the wider world.
When UCL launched the Grand Challenges programme in 2008 it set down a marker for a new collegiate spirit within the university, emboldening scholars and researchers to raise their game in the face of major societal challenges. ‘Grand Challenges’ has become a programme recognised within and beyond UCL as a metaphor for a new academic freedom – positively encouraging experts in different fields to interact outside their domains of disciplinary excellence and peer-recognition, creating a new scholarly confidence and authority to find common cause through research, combined with the empowerment and language to engage productively with policy makers and politicians.
Ian Scott (Principal Facilitator, UCL Grand Challenges)
Nick Tyler CBE FREng (Chadwick Professor of Civil Engineering; Chair, GCHW Executive Group)
December 8, Tuesday
15:35-15:45“Measuring affective well-being and life stressors using wearable devices for the ageing communities in Japan” Junichiro Ishio and Naoya Abe
8:30 | Registration @ 5F, International Science Innovation Building |
9:00 | Plenary @ Symposium Hall |
9:00-9:05 | Opening Remarks |
9:05-9:10 | Welcome Speech
Prof Juichi Yamagiwa, President of Kyoto University |
9:10-9:20 | Purpose
Prof Nick Tyler, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, UCL |
9:20-9:50 | Keynote Lecture
“Social and economic risks of longevity, labor force participation, and lower fertility” Prof Shuzo Nishimura, Director General of Institute for Health Economics and Policy |
9:50-10:00 | Photo |
10:00 | Coffee break @Foyer |
10:10 | SESSION 1 @ Meeting Room 5a/5b
“Employment and economy in ageing society: Older adults as a societal resource” Chair: Prof Eric French |
10:10-10:15 | Opening remarks
Eric French |
10:15-10:35 | “Medical spending in Japan”
Eric French “TBD” Hidehiko Ichimura |
10:35-10:45 | “Japan’s fiscal policy and social security”
Daizo Kojima and Takefumi Yamazaki |
10:45-10:55 | “Visualization and social joint venture:
For quality, efficiency, and equity of health care systems in the super-aged/super-aging society” Yuichi Imanaka |
10:55-11:50 | Discussion |
11:50 | Lunch @ Foyer |
13:00 | SESSION 2 @ Meeting Room 5a/5b
“Health & wellbeing of older adults” Chair: Prof Eric Brunner |
13:00-13:05 | Opening remarks
Eric Brunner |
13:05-13:15 | “Trends of healthy life expectancy in Japan”
Ichiro Tsuji |
13:15-13:35 | “Health, health inequalities and ageing well: Evidence and gaps in the evidence”
Eric Brunner “Impacts of leaving paid work on health, functions, and lifestyle behaviors in Japanese older people” Hideki Hashimoto |
13:35-13:45 | “Understanding the cultural difference in health and well-being: A research example from Great Britain and Japan”
Noriko Cable |
13:45-13:55 | “Social capital and health in older Japanese”
Jun Aida |
13:55-14:05 | “Public Health for an ageing society: Experiences and epidemiological evidence in Japan”
Hiroyasu Iso |
14:05-15:00 | Discussion |
15:00 | Coffee Break @ Foyer |
15:20 | SESSION 3 @ Meeting Room 5a/5b
“Youth and intergenerational equity in ageing societies : Future for ageing society” Chair: Prof Nick Tyler |
15:20-15:25 | Opening remarks
Nick Tyler |
15:25-15:35 | “Use of monitoring devices to quantitatively assess behavioral psychological symptoms of dementia”
Kiyoko Makimoto |
15:35-15:45 | “Robots and the Future Society”
Toshiya Hoshino |
15:45-15:55 | “Measuring affective well-being and life stressors using wearable devices for the ageing communities in Japan”
Junichiro Ishio and Naoya Abe |
15:55-16:05 | “First step towards integrating translation studies into the ‘Tokyo Tech Happiness Co-Creation Society through intelligent communications project’”
Kayoko Nohara |
16:05-16:15 | Break |
16:15-16:25 | “Demographic change, longevity and urban environment”
Nick Tyler |
16:25-16:35 | “Urban planning responses to the aged society: The Japanese challenge”
Norihiro Nakai |
16:35-16:45 | “Housing renovation and community management for the sustainable society : Action research experience from Kyoto”
Masahiro Maeda |
16:45-16:55 | “C0-creating health and well-being of older adults in Japan with professional care practitioners and engineers”
Tom Hope |
16:55-17:05 | “Introducing a ‘Community-based integrated care system’ and multi-factor approach in health-promotion activities”
Ken Osaka |
17:05-17:15 | “Health development in Japan: Towards a super-ageing society”
Hiroki Nakatani |
17:15-18:10 | Discussion |
18:10 | Conclusion of Day 1 @Meeting Room |
December 9, Wednesday
8:45 | Coffee @ Foyer |
9:15 | Further discussion from the first day @ Meeting Room 5a/5b
Chair: Prof Nick Tyler |
10:15 | Discussing the sympoisum statement @ Meeting Room 5a/5b
Chair: Prof Nick Tyler. |
12:00 | Lunch @ Foyer |
13:00 | Finalisation of agreed symposium statement @ Meeting Room 5a/5b
Chair: Prof Ian Scott |
14:30 | Objectives and next steps @ Meeting Room 5a/5b
Prof Ian Scott, Principal Facilitator, UCL Grand Challenges |
14:45 | Concluding remarks @ Meeting Room 5a/5b
Prof Kayo Inaba, Executive Vice-President for Gender Equality, International Affairs, and Public Relations of Kyoto University |
15:00 | Transfer |
本学はユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン(UCL)、大阪大学、東北大学、東京工業大学との共催で「グランド・チャレンジ・シンポジウム2015 ~人口変動と長寿社会~」を開催しました。2015年12月8-9日の2日間に渡って開催され、のべ80名を超える参加者が出席しました。
1日目は、本学 山極 壽一 総長による開会の挨拶の後、UCLグランド・チャレンジのHuman Wellbeing分野のリーダーであるニック・タイラー教授(UCL)より、本シンポジウムの趣旨説明が行われました。続いて西村 周三 医療経済研究機構所長 / 本学名誉教授による基調講演“Social and economic risks of longevity, labor force participation, and lower fertility: Japan as an example”が行われ、現在の日本が抱える高齢化に関する問題が提起されました。
続く本会議では、参加者全員が、“Employment and economy in ageing society: Older adults as a societal resource”、“Health & wellbeing of older adults”、“Youth and intergenerational equity in ageing societies: Future for ageing society” の3つのテーマに沿って自身の研究発表を行い、討議が交わされました。
最後に、本学 稲葉 カヨ 男女共同参画・国際・広報担当理事による閉会の挨拶で、2日間にわたるシンポジウムは盛況のうちに閉幕しました。






