Visited Cambodia on 31 July – 2 August 2023

On 31st July, Kyoto University ASEAN Center / JASTIP members visited Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) and co-organized an opening ceremony of a project on “mutual learning of science, technology, and innovation (STI) coordination” supported by Toyota Foundation. Followed by the welcome remark by the foundation, there were opening remarks by the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia and the Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation. This was followed by presentations on Cambia and Thailand STI policies and STI coordinators.

As part of the Cambodian-Thai-Japanese project on STI coordination, the project members visited National University of Battambang (NUBB) on 1st of August. NUBB, Provincial Department of STI (DISTI), and Local Enterprise gave introductory presentations. This followed by our project members’ from NSTDA (National Science and Technology Development Agency) and Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. Attended by NISTI’s director general, NUBB’s students and Kyoto University’s alumni Dr. Sanara from RUA, we could deepen our mutual understanding our collaboration across different sectors. After that the team observed “Wild Edible Garden” at NUBB.

On 2nd of August, Kyoto University ASEAN Center / JASTIP members visited two local companies in Battambang, Misota and Earth Rice Noodles. After the factory tour, we had a small group discussion about current problems and its possible solutions for the future. Thank you for accommodating our visit.
