Universität Hamburg – Kyoto University Symposium 2017
General Info
Kyoto University holds international symposia in collaboration with selected partners around the world as a means to share knowledge and new research developments, promote interdisciplinary international research collaboration, and accelerate the generation of new ideas and innovation for the benefit of global society. These goals are in accordance with the Kyoto University’s WINDOW Concept, which was formulated in 2014 as overall strategy to guide the institution in its current phase.
Universität Hamburg is a public university based in Hamburg, Germany’s second largest city, with a student population of over 40,000. Universität Hamburg’s alumni include several Nobel laureates and other internationally lauded scholars, as well as one of Germany’s former chancellors. Kyoto University has been actively developing its partnership with Universität Hamburg since April 2016, when a researcher-matching workshop was held in Kyoto to explore promising avenues of collaboration between the two institutions.
The Universität Hamburg-Kyoto University Symposium 2017 aims to further develop the exchange and collaboration between the two institutions and explore several new academic areas for potential research cooperation. Through their ongoing partnership, the two universities seek to contribute to research collaboration between Germany and Japan, and help to foster the next generation of highly-skilled international human resources in diverse fields of specialization.
On the first day of the symposium, a formal Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange and a Student Exchange Agreement will be concluded between the two institutions to facilitate the further expansion of their partnership.
Last update May 10th
Tuesday, June 6th
8:00 pm | Meeting in the lobby. Group-pick-up at the hotel Hotel Mercure Hamburg Mitte, Schröderstiftstraße 3, 20146 Hamburg |
8:30 pm Rathausmarkt 1, 20095 Hamburg |
Opening Dinner (Delegation and UHH researchers/staff, the Ambassador of Japan to Germany) Restaurant Parlament im Rathaus (Room „Remter“ – Regional/German cuisine)Welcome address Prof. Dr. Dieter Lenzen (President, Universität Hamburg) Dr. Juichi Yamagiwa (President, Kyoto University) |
Wednesday, June 7th
8:30 am | Meeting in the lobby. Group-pick-up at the hotel Hotel Mercure Hamburg Mitte, Schröderstiftstraße 3, 20146 Hamburg |
9:00 – 10:00 am Asien-Afrika-Institut, R. 221 Edmund Siemers Allee 1 |
Plenary – Opening Address:
Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding |
10:00-10:30 am | Transfer to the parallel group sessions |
10:30 am – 12:30 pm Venue: Faculties/Institutes |
Matchmaking Sessions (tentative schedule)
12:30 – 1:30 pm Organized by groups |
Lunch Break |
1:30 – 3:00 pm Venue: Faculties/Institutess |
Parallel Group Sessions (Symposia) – Presentations, Part 1 Topics
3:00 – 3:30 pm Organized by groups |
Coffee Break |
3:30 – 5:30 pm | Parallel Group Sessions – Presentations, Part 2 or Lab/Institute visits |
Thursday, June 8th
8:30 am | Meeting in the lobby. Group-pick-up at the hotel Hotel Mercure |
9:00 – 10:00 am Mittelweg 177 |
Preparation of presentations for the plenary session (in parallel groups)
10:00-10:30 am | Coffee break |
10:30 am – 12:30 pm Mittelweg 177 |
Plenary: Wrap up & Presentations of outcomes (5-7 minutes each)
Closing Address |
1:00 – 2:30 pm Alsterufer 2, 20354 Hamburg |
Farewell lunch Restaurant “Portonovo” (Italian cuisine) Host: Prof. Dr. Jan Louis (Vice-President, Universität Hamburg) |
Last update June 1st
* Italic = Session Coordinator
1) Manuscript Cultures
“Manuscripts in Ancient China and India”
VENUE: Asien-Afrika-Institut – ESA Ost, R. 221, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, 20146 Hamburg
Wrap-Up-Session: Mittelweg 177, Room S1006
Kyoto University | Tomoyuki Nagata Dr/Mr. Assoc. Professor Institute for research in Humanities |
Itaru Tomiya Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Institute for research in Humanities |
Yuko Yokochi Prof/Dr/Ms. Professor Graduate School of Letters |
Universität Hamburg | Kai Vogelsang Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Asia-Africa-Institute |
Eva Wilden Prof/Dr/Ms. Professor Asia-Africa-Institute |
Support / Moderation: Dr. Wang Yi, Department of International Affairs UHH Mr. Tamaki Suzuki, URA Kyoto University |
2) Particle Physics
“String theory & Phenomenology”
VENUE: Campus Bahrenfeld, Building 2a, “Seminarraum 2” – Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg
Wrap-Up-Session: Mittelweg 177, Room N0067
Kyoto University | Fumihiro Takayama Dr/Mr. Assoc. Professor Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Tadashi Takayanagi Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Shinji Mukouyama Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Yasuaki Hikida Dr/Mr. Assoc. Professor Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Universität Hamburg | Gudrid Moortgat-Pick Prof/Dr/Ms. Professor Institute of Theoretical Physics (II) |
Marco Zagermann Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Institute of Theoretical Physics (II) |
Alexander Westphal Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor DESY |
Géraldine Servant Prof/Dr/Ms. Professor Institute of Theoretical Physics (II) |
Georg Weiglein Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor DESY |
Support / Moderation: Mr. Jan Frömming, Department of International Affairs UHH Dr. Akiko Murata, URA Kyoto University |
3) Law and Economics
“Corporate Governance and Finance”
VENUE: Faculty of Law, Room A131 – Rothenbaumchaussee 33, 20148 Hamburg
Wrap-Up-Session: Mittelweg 177, Room Turmzimmer
Kyoto University | Kanako Takayama Prof/Dr/Ms. Professor Graduate School of Law |
Nobuyuki Isagawa Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Graduate School of Management |
Norio Sawabe Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Graduate School of Management |
Masaki Ueda Dr./Mr. Researcher Graduate School of Law |
Takumi Sugimoto Mr. Master-Candidate Graduate School of Law |
Yumi Yoshiuchi Ms. Master-Candidate Graduate School of Law |
Universität Hamburg | Georg Ringe Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Institute of Law and Economics |
Frank Schiemann Prof./Dr./Mr. Jun-Prof. Institute for Socioeconomics |
Harald Baum Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor MPI |
Alexander Baur Prof/Dr/Mr. Jun.-Professor Faculty of Law |
Florian Jeßberger Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Faculty of Law |
Support / Moderation: Ms. Stine von Förster, Department of International Affairs UHH Ms. Chiyoko Kanno, URA Kyoto University |
4) Polymer Chemistry
“From Precision Soft Matter Synthesis To Microfluidics”
VENUE: Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry, Room A 39 TMC – Bundesstraße 45, 20146 Hamburg
Wrap-Up-Session: Mittelweg 177, Room N0065
Kyoto University | Makoto Ouchi Dr/Mr Assoc. Professor Graduate School of Engineering |
Yoshihiro Sasaki Dr/Mr Assoc. Professor Graduate School of Engineering |
Takuya Kubo Dr/Mr Assoc. Professor Graduate School of Engineering |
Universität Hamburg | Patrick Theato Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Institute for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry |
Volkmar Vill Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Institute for Organic Chemistry |
Martin Trebbin Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Institute of Nanostructure- and Solid State Physics |
Support / Moderation: Ms. Daniela Perez y Effinger, Department of International Affairs UHH Mr. Tamaki Suzuki, URA Kyoto University |
5) Japanese Studies
“Reforming Democracy and Social Inclusion: Subnational and Supranational Approaches in Japan and Beyond”
VENUE: Asien-Afrika-Institut – ESA Ost, R. 120, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, 20146 Hamburg
Wrap-Up-Session: Mittelweg 177, Room N0006/0008
Kyoto University | Wako Asato Dr/Mr. Assoc. Professor Graduate School of Letters |
Emiko Ochiai Prof/Dr/Ms. Professor Graduate School of Letters |
Ken Hijino Dr/Mr. Associate Professor Graduate School of Law |
Universität Hamburg | Gabriele Vogt Prof/Dr/Ms. Professor Asia-Africa-Institute |
Birgit Pfau-Effinger Prof/Dr/Ms. Professsor Institute of Sociology |
Alexander Weiß Dr/Mr. Affiliated to UHH |
Denise Sablinski Ms. PhD-Candidate |
Anna-Lea Schröder Ms. PhD-Candidate |
Anna Wiemann Ms. PhD-Candidate |
Thurid Eggers, Ms. Institute of Sociology Research fellow |
Ralf Och, Mr. Institute of Sociology Research fellow |
Support / Moderation: Ms. Katrin Tautermann, Department of International Affairs UHH Ms. Chiyoko Kanno, URA Kyoto University |
6) Infection Research
“Perspectives for cooperation in the realm of infection research”
VENUE: Heinrich-Pette-Institut, Seminarraum 1 – Martinistraße 52, 20251 Hamburg
Wrap-Up-Session: Mittelweg 177, Room N5078
Kyoto University | Takashi Fujita Prof/Dr/Mr. Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Science |
Takeshi Noda Prof/Dr/Mr. Professor Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Science |
Junichiro Yasunaga Dr/Mr Assoc. Professor Institute for Frontier Life and Medical Science |
Universität Hamburg | Wolfram Brune Prof/Dr./Mr. Professor Heinrich Pette-Institut/UHH |
Cesar Muñoz-Fontela Dr./Mr. Heinrich Pette-Institut |
Wilhelm Ching Dr./Mr. Heinrich Pette-Institut |
Christoph Hagen Dr./Mr. CSSB |
Support / Moderation: Ms. Antje Katzschner, Department of International Affairs UHH Dr. Akiko Murata, URA Kyoto University |
Universität Hamburg-Kyoto University Symposium 2017 (6-8 June 2017)
A Kyoto University delegation travelled to Hamburg, Germany, early June for the Universität Hamburg-Kyoto University Symposium 2017, held at co-host Universität Hamburg (UHH). The group was headed by President Juichi Yamagiwa and Dr Kayo Inaba, executive vice-president for gender equality, international affairs, and public relations, and consisted of 31 researchers and administrators in total.

From left: UHH President Lenzen, KU President Yamagiwa, and HE Mr Yagi delivering opening addresses, and EVP Inaba delivering a closing address
The symposium aimed to initiate and develop collaborative research between the two institutions in six academic fields: manuscript culture, physics, law and economics, polymer chemistry, Japanese studies, and infection research.
A welcome dinner for the symposium was held on the evening of the 6th, opening with speeches by President Yamagiwa and UHH President Dieter Lenzen. Also in attendance at the dinner as honored guests were Mr Takao Anzawa, consul-general of Japan in Hamburg, Dr Jörg Schneider, head of the Division of International Affairs of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), and Dr Keiichi Kodaira, director of the Bonn Office of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
The symposium proper commenced on the following day with formal addresses by the presidents of both institutions, and also by HE Mr Takeshi Yagi, Japanese ambassador to Germany. A signing ceremony followed, concluding a memorandum for academic cooperation and exchange and a student exchange agreement between Universität Hamburg and Kyoto University. These agreements are anticipated to facilitate further expansion of collaboration, including student exchanges, between the two partners. The rest of the day was devoted to parallel research collaboration workshops and matchmaking sessions for the symposium’s six fields of focus.

Opening ceremony at Hamburg City Hall

Signing of the exchange agreements between Universität Hamburg and Kyoto University
The second day consisted of a plenary session, in which representatives from each of the six research groups presented outcomes from their sessions of the previous day. All of the groups reported that they had found a number of promising collaborative topics to pursue, while some revealed that they had already established concrete proposals.
The symposium was then formally brought to a close with addresses from EVP Inaba and Dr Jan Louis, vice-president of UHH.

The opening plenary session

Parallel session (law and economics)

The polymer chemistry group gives their presentation at the wrap-up session
The symposium was highly successful in terms of establishing and deepening ties between researchers at the two institutions, and facilitating the establishment of new collaborative research projects.
A second joint symposium is currently being planned to be held at Kyoto University in autumn 2018.

The symposium participants
Related link
- Kyoto University HP: Universität Hamburg-Kyoto University Symposium 2017 (6-8 June 2017)
https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/about/events_news/office/kikaku-joho/kokusai-kikaku/news/2017/170608_1.html - Universität Hamburg HP: Universität Hamburg – Kyoto University Symposium 2017