Academic Exchange Agreements between Departments/ Faculties

As of February 05, 2025

Graduate School of Letters

Swiss ConfederationFaculty of Humanities, University of Geneva1998 (2023 renewed)
French RepublicUniversité Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis 2003
Russian FederationSt. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences2005
People's Republic of ChinaDepartment of History, Peking University2005 (2023 renewed)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandSchool of Oriental and African Studies, Univesity of London2010
TaiwanTHE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS/COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, National Taiwan University 2015 (2018 renewed)
Russian FederationRussian Literature Institute (the Pushkin House), Russian Academy of Sciences2016
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandNissan Institute of Japanese Studies, University of Oxford2017
Russian FederationKazan Federal University2019
United States of AmericaDepartment of East Asian Studies, Princeton University 2020
United States of AmericaSmith College2021
Republic of BulgariaFaculty of Slavic Studies, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski2023
Republic of UzbekistanIchan-Qala the State Museum Reserve2023
Republic of EstoniaThe School of Humanities, Tallinn University2024
Republic of KazakhstanThe School of Oriental studies/The School of International Relations/The School of Philology/The School of Philosophy and Political sciences/The Foundation, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University2023
Kingdom of the NetherlandsThe Department of Art & Culture, History, and Antiquity/Graduate School of Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2024
Republic of PolandUniversity of Warsaw2024
HungaryFaculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University2024

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Education

People's Republic of ChinaNational Institute of Education Sciences2006 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaFACULTY OF EDUCATION, Beijing Normal University2006 (2020 renewed)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandDepartment of Psychology, Lancaster University2006 (2021 renewed)
Republic of KoreaDepartment of Education, Seoul National University2011 (2021 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, TU Dortmund University2016 (2021 renewed)
United States of AmericaCollege of Education, University of Hawaii at Mānoa2017
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUniversity of Oxford, University of Oxford2018

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Law

TaiwanCollege of Law, National Chengchi University2008
TaiwanCollege of Law, National Taiwan University2008
Federal Republic of GermanyMax-Planck-Institut2008
French RepublicInstitut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po)2008
Federal Republic of GermanyFachbereich Rechtswissenschaft, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main2009
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Law, Tsinghua University2010
Federal Republic of GermanyJuristischen Fakultät, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg2011
Kingdom of BelgiumEnergy Charter Secretariat2016 (2021 renewed)
TaiwanJudges Academy2017 (2022 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyFakultät für Rechtswissenschaft, Universität Hamburg2018 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of the NetherlandsInternational Criminal Court2020

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Economics

People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Economics, Fudan University2001
People's Republic of ChinaCenter for Japanese Studies, Fudan University2001
Kingdom of SwedenJönköping International Business School, Jönköping University2002 (2019 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Economics and Business Administratio, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main2003
People's Republic of ChinaInstitute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences2004
French RepublicUniversité Paris Dauphine-PSL2004 (2010 renewed)
TaiwanThe College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University2005 (2020 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Economics, Thammasat University2013 (2023 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandThe Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University2013 (2023 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University2014 (2024 renewed)
TaiwanTHE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS/COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, National Taiwan University 2015 (2018 renewed)
Republic of SingaporeSingapore Management University2016
Republic of the PhilippinesUniversity of the Philippines Los Baños2016 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of BelgiumThe Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven2016 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Economics, Kasetsart University2019 (2024 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Political Science, Thammasat University2019 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Economics, Nankai University2020
United States of AmericaSC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University 2017 (2022 renewed)

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Science

Republic of IndonesiaNational Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping2005 (2010 renewed)
Gabonese RepublicCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique2009
1.United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2.Federal Republic of Germany1.Botanic Garden, University of Bristol 2.Botanic Garden and Herbarium, Heidelberg University2015 (2024 renewed)
United States of AmericaCollege of Science, University of Utah2016 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaCHENGDU INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGY, Chinese Academy of Sciences2017 (2022 renewed)
Republic of CroatiaInstitute of Physics2020
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUniversity of Edinburgh2020
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University 2019 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaThe College of Science, Southern University of Science and Technology2024

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Medicine

United States of AmericaM.D. Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas2009 (2014 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandThe Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University2010 (2022 renewed)
Italian RepublicIFOM ETS - The AIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology2010 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaChina-Japan Friendship Hospital2011 (2021 renewed)
Republic of KoreaCollege of Medicine, Seoul National University2012 (2022 renewed)
Republic of KoreaCollege of Medicine, Yonsei University2012 (2022 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaHealth Science Center, Peking University2013 (2023 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaShanghai Medical College, Fudan University2013 (2019 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaTongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology2014 (2024 renewed)
CanadaFaculty of Medicine, McGill University2014 (2019 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Gadjah Mada University2015 (2020 renewed)
TaiwanTaipei Medical University2015 (2023 renewed)
Kingdom of BhutanThe Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan2015 (2020 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyThe Faculty of Medicine, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen2016 (2021 renewed)
United States of AmericaSaint Anthony College of Nursing2017 (2022 renewed)
Republic of FinlandFaculty of Medicine, University of Oulu2018 (2023 renewed)
United States of AmericaPerelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania2019 (2024 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyBonn Institutes of Immunosciences and Infection, Medical Faculty, University of Bonn 2020
Federal Republic of GermanyMax Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine2023

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Republic of KoreaCollege of Pharmacy, Seoul National University2003
Federal Republic of GermanyThe Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen2021

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Engineering

United States of AmericaCollege of Engineering, University of Wisconsin Madison 1990
United States of AmericaCollege of Engineering, University of Washington 1991
United States of AmericaCollege of Engineering, University of Texas at Austin 1991
United States of AmericaSchool of Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1995
Czech RepublicCzech Technical University in Prague 1996
Federal Republic of GermanyInstitute of Organic Chemistry and Macromomlecular Chemistry, Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf 2002
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, TU Dortmund University 2002 (2018 renewed)
Kingdom of SwedenChalmers University of Technology 2002 (2018 renewed)
Kingdom of the NetherlandsDelft University of Technology 2003
Kingdom of NorwayNorwegian University of Science and Technology 2003
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandSchool of Chemistry/School of Computer Sciences/College of Engineering and Physical Sciences/School of Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences/School of Mathematics/School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham 2003
People's Republic of ChinaDalian University of Technology 2003
CanadaFaculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, The University of Western Ontario 2004
Federative Republic of BrazilEscola Politecnica, University of São Paulo 2004
Socialist Republic of Viet NamHanoi University of Civil Engineering 2005
People's Republic of ChinaTongji University 2005
TaiwanCollege of Engineering, National Cheng Kung University 2006
Kingdom of ThailandKing Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang 2009
Kingdom of ThailandThe Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi 2009
Kingdom of SwedenLinköping University 2009
French RepublicUniversity Pierre and Marie Curie → UPMC merged with Paris-Sorbonne University into a combined Sorbonne University 2009
MalaysiaFaculty of Built Environment/Faculty of Chemical Engineering/Faculty of Civil Engineering/Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering/Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia2009 (2015 renewed)
United States of AmericaEnergy institute, City University of New York2010
1.Federal Republic of Germany 2.United States of America1.Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), University of Freiburg 2.College of Engineering, University of Michigan 2012 (2018 renewed)
French RepublicScience and Properties of Matter Department and Rennes' Graduate School of Engineering, Université de Rennes (formerly Université de Rennes 1 (Institutionally reorganized))2013 (2021 renewed)
French RepublicParis Institute of Earth Physics2013 (2018 renewed)
Republic of PolandAGH University of Science and Technology2015
Republic of KoreaKyung Hee University2016
French RepublicL’École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette2016
New ZealandScience/Engineering/Architecture/Design Faculties/Robinson and Ferrier Institutes, Victoria University of Wellington2016
People's Republic of ChinaGraduate School, Southeast University2016
Arab Republic of EgyptThe American University in Cairo2017
IndiaNational Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (NIIST), Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Government of India2017
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Engineering/Graduate School of Engineering, University of Brawijaya2017
French RepublicÉcole Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL2019
United Arab EmiratesThe College of Science/The College of Engineering, United Arab Emirates University2020
AustraliaRoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology2020
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Science, Tianjin University2021
Republic of KoreaKorea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology2022
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen2022
Republic of KenyaJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology 2022
People's Republic of Chinathe College of Geoexploration Science and Technology, Jilin University2019

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Agriculture

Republic of AustriaUniversity of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna 1992 (2024 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University2000
People's Republic of ChinaShanghai Ocean University2003 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaNanjing Agricultral University2004 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaFaculty of Life Science and Technology, Kunming University of Science and Technology2006 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaCollege of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University2006 (2021 renewed)
CanadaUniversity of Alberta2009 (2021 renewed)
Italian RepublicDEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD, ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTRY, University of Florence2009 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaChina Agricultural University2009 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaNorthwest A&F University2010 (2021 renewed)
United States of AmericaCollege of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign2010 (2020 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandSchool of Bioresources and Technology, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi2010 (2017 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandThailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research2010 (2022 renewed)
United States of AmericaWashington State University2010 (2022 renewed)
Federal Republic of NigeriaInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture2010 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaJiangnan University2010 (2022 renewed)
Republic of KoreaCollege of Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Sungkyunkwan University2011 (2021 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Agriculture/Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Brawijaya2011 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaCollege of Civil Engineering, Tongji University2011 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaSouth China Agricultural University2012 (2022 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaShenyang Agricultural University2012 (2022 renewed)
Italian RepublicDepartment of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences, University of Molise2012 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of BangladeshBangladesh Agricultural University2012 (2024 renewed)
Republic of KoreaSchool of Wellness Industry Convergence/School of Applied Science in Natural Resources & Environment/School of Animal Life Convergence Science/School of Biotechnology/School of Food Biotechnology & Chemical Engineering, Hankyong National University2012 (2022 renewed)
Republic of KoreaCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University2013 (2023 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaUniversitas Syiah Kuala2013 (2022 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University2013 (2023 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ruhr-Universität Bochum2013 (2023 renewed)
MalaysiaFaculty of Engineering (FoEUPM), Universiti Putra Malaysia2014 (2021 renewed)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandHarper Adams University2014 (2019 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaRoyal University of Agriculture2014 (2019 renewed)
MalaysiaForest Research Institute Malaysia (formerly Malaysian Forestry Research and Development Board)2014 (2024 renewed)
TaiwanCollege of Bioresources, National Ilan University2014 (2024 renewed)
French RepublicPôle A2F/Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University of Lorraine (formerly UNIVERSITY HENRI POINCARÉ NANCY-1)2015 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaCollege of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology2015 (2020 renewed)
French RepublicInstitut Agro2015 (2021 renewed)
Republic of KoreaCollege of Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University2016 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaTaishan College/School of Life Science/School of Environmental Science and Engineering/School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shandong University2016 (2021 renewed)
IndiaFaculty of Engineering and Architecture, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur2016 (2021 renewed)
United States of AmericaUniversity of Kentucky2016 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaInstitute of Technology of Cambodia2016 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaHuazhong Agricultural University2017 (2020 renewed)
SpainThe Universidad Politecnica de Valencia2017 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandSchool of Agricultural Technology,, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang2019 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaINSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN AGRICULTURE, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Science2019 (2024 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaThe Faculty of Forestry/The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/Faculty of Agriculture/Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Mulawarman2019 (2024 renewed)
United States of AmericaCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A&M University2020
Republic of KazakhstanKazakh National Agrarian University 2020
Italian RepublicDepartment of Soil Sciences, of Plants and Food, Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro2020
IndiaIndian Council of Agricultural Research2020
People's Republic of ChinaJilin Agricultural University2020
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Forestry/Faculty of Agriculture/Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/Faculty of Engineering, Tajungpura University2020
MalaysiaUniversiti Malaysia Sabah2021
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University2021
Republic of MadagascarUniversity of Mahjanga2021
People's Republic of ChinaNortheast Agricultural University2023

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies

French RepublicFondation Maison des sciences de l'homme2011
People's Republic of ChinaChengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences2012 (2020 renewed)
TaiwanTHE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS/COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, National Taiwan University2015 (2018 renewed)
Republic of the Union of MyanmarYangon University of Distance Education2022
People's Republic of ChinaThe School of Geography, South China Normal University2024

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Energy Science

Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, TU Dortmund University 2002 (2018 renewed)
Kingdom of SwedenChalmers University of Technology 2002 (2018 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaDalian University of Technology 2003
Kingdom of NorwayNorwegian University of Science and Technology 2003
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandSchool of Chemistry/School of Computer Sciences/College of Engineering and Physical Sciences/School of Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences/School of Mathematics/School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham 2003
People's Republic of ChinaCollege of Physics Science and Technology, Guangxi University2006
Kingdom of ThailandRajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi2007
Republic of KoreaThe College of Engineering, Dong-Eui University2007
Republic of KoreaPukyong National University2007
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology2008
Kingdom of ThailandKing Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang 2009
Kingdom of ThailandThe Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi2009
Kingdom of SwedenLinköping University 2009
MalaysiaFaculty of Built Environment/Faculty of Chemical Engineering/Faculty of Civil Engineering/Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering/Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2009 (2015 renewed)
United States of AmericaEnergy institute, City University of New York 2010
Republic of IndonesiaASEAN Centre for Energy2022
Republic of KoreaAjou University LAMP Research Center, Ajou University2024
Republic of KoreaDepartment of Energy Systems Research, Ajou University2024

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies

Republic of IndonesiaResearch Institute and Graduate Program, Hasanuddin University 1996 (2001 renewed)
Socialist Republic of Viet NamHanoi Agricultural University1998
Republic of SingaporeFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore 2002
Republic of the Union of MyanmarYezin Agricultural University 2002
Republic of CameroonFaculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, University of Yaounde I2003
Republic of IndonesiaNational Islamic University2004
Republic of TurkeyFaculty of Theology, Ankara University2005
Republic of IndonesiaCenderawasih University 2006
Lao People's Democratic RepublicFaculty of Forestry, National University of Laos2007
Lao People's Democratic RepublicFaculty of Social Science, National University of Laos2007
Lao People's Democratic RepublicFaculty of Agriculture, National University of Laos2007
Republic of IndonesiaSultan Agung Tirtayasa University 2007 (2019 renewed)
Arab Republic of EgyptCenter for Asian Studies/Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University2008
Federal Republic of NigeriaInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture 2010 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaRoyal University of Agriculture 2010 (2022 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaRoyal University of Fine Arts 2010 (2022 renewed)
Kingdom of BhutanSherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan 2011
French RepublicÉcole Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL2012
Republic of CameroonFaculty of Agriculture, University of Dschang 2014
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe Department of Geography, University of Leicester 2014
Republic of GuineaInstitut de Recherche Environnementale de Bossou2016 (2023 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaRoyal University of Phnom Penh 2016 (2022 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyThe Global South Studies Center (GSSC), University of Cologne2016
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University2016 (2021 renewed)
Republic of ZambiaInstitute of Economics and Social Research, University of Zambia2018
Republic of the Union of MyanmarUniversity of Mandalay2018
Socialist Republic of Viet NamThe College of Natural Sciences, Can Tho University2019
Kingdom of ThailandThe Faculty of Architecture, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang2019
People's Republic of ChinaThe School of International Studies/ Academy of Overseas Chinese Studie, Jinan University 2019
Kingdom of ThailandThe School of Social Innovation, Mae Fah Luang University2019
Republic of IndonesiaThe School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia 2019
Republic of MadagascarUniversity of Mahjanga 2021
Republic of NigerNational Weather Service, Republic of Niger2021
Republic of SenegalFaculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar2022
Republic of KenyaJomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology2022
Republic of UgandaKyambogo University2022
Republic of South AfricaThe Centre for Asian Studies in Africa (CASA) in The Faculty of Humanities and The Department of Sociology, University of Pretoria2023
Republic of IndonesiaThe Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University2023
Republic of IndonesiaMochtar Riady Institute for Nanotechnology2023
Kingdom of the NetherlandsThe Department of Art & Culture, History, and Antiquity/Graduate School of Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2024
Lao People's Democratic RepublicLao Academy of Social and Economic Sciences 2024

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Informatics

Republic of KoreaGraduate School of Hankuku Aviation University2000
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandSchool of Chemistry/School of Computer Sciences/College of Engineering and Physical Sciences/School of Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences/School of Mathematics/School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham 2003
Kingdom of ThailandSchool of Advanced Technology, Asian Institute of Technology2004
People's Republic of ChinaCollegeof Information and Engineering, Xinjiang University2004
Arab Republic of EgyptFaculty of Computers and Information, Cairo University2004
Republic of FinlandFaculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Oulu2004 (2014 renewed)
Hong KongFaculty of Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong2006
People's Republic of ChinaInstituto of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences2006
Kingdom of ThailandKing Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang2009
Kingdom of SwedenLinköping University 2009
SpainSchool of Computer Science, The Universidad Politecnica de Valencia2010
Kingdom of DenmarkIT University of Copenhagen2016 (2021 renewed)
Republic of EstoniaSCHOOL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Tallinn University of Technology2018 (2023 renewed)
Kingdom of DenmarkTECHNICAL FACULTY OF IT AND DESIGN, Aalborg University2019 (2024 renewed)
French RepublicFaculty of Science and Engineering, Sorbonne University2019 (2024 renewed)
TaiwanCollege of Computer Science/College of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University2022

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Biostudies

MongoliaSchool of Engineering and Applied Sciences, National University of Mongolia2020
United States of AmericaThe College of Natural Science, Michigan State University2022

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability

Headquarters in French RepublicOrganisation for Economic Co-operation and Development2013
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUniversity of Cambridge2018 (2023 renewed)
Federative Republic of BrazilFederal University of Rio Grande do Sul2019
French RepublicCentre Jean Pepin (UMR 8230), French National Center for Scientific Research2020
United States of AmericaMerced College2023
United States of AmericaLunar and Planetary Laboratory/Biosphere 2, University of Arizona2023
United States of AmericaGraduate Division and School of Engineering, University of California, Merced2023

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies

Kingdom of ThailandKhon Kaen University2002
Kingdom of SwedenChalmers University of Technology 2002 (2018 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, TU Dortmund University 2002 (2018 renewed)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandSchool of Chemistry/School of Computer Sciences/College of Engineering and Physical Sciences/School of Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences/School of Mathematics/School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham 2003
People's Republic of ChinaDalian University of Technology 2003
Socialist Republic of Viet NamVietNam Academy of Science And Technology2004
Socialist Republic of Viet NamHue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University2004
Socialist Republic of Viet NamHanoi University of Civil Engineering2005
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Engineering, Mahidol University2007 (2012 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaThe School of Environment and Resources, Renmin University of China2008
Lao People's Democratic RepublicChampasak University2009
CanadaUniversity of Alberta 2009 (2021 renewed)
MalaysiaFaculty of Built Environment/Faculty of Chemical Engineering/Faculty of Civil Engineering/Faculty of Petroleum and Renewable Energy Engineering/Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2009 (2015 renewed)
Republic of FijiThe Centre for Appropriate Technology and Development2010
TaiwanCollege of Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology2010
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri LankaFaculty of Science, University of Colombo2010
Kingdom of CambodiaRoyal University of Agriculture2010
People's Republic of BangladeshBRAC University2010
Federal Republic of NigeriaInternational Institute of Tropical Agriculture 2010 (2021 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaIPB University (formerly Bogor Agricultural University)2011
Republic of FijiFaculty of Science, Technology and Environment, University of the South Pacific2012 (2017 renewed)
Lao People's Democratic RepublicDepartment of Agricultural Land Management and Development of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; DALaM2013
SpainThe Universidad Politecnica de Valencia2013 (2023 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaInstitute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction, Sichuan University2014
Republic of CameroonFaculty of Agriculture, University of Dschang2014
United Republic of TanzaniaThe Faculty of Agriculture, Sokoine University of Agriculture2014
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe School of Geography, Geology and the Environment, University of Leicester2014 (2019 renewed)
IndiaInstitute of Environment and Sustainable Development, Banaras Hindu University2015
IrelandUniversity College Cork, National University of Ireland2016
People's Republic of BangladeshLife Science School, Khulna University2016
Republic of IndonesiaThe Graduate school, University of Jambi2017
TaiwanThe College of Engineering, CHUNG YUAN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY2017
Republic of KazakhstanKazakh National Agrarian University2020
IndiaCouncil on Energy, Environment and Water2021
Socialist Republic of Viet NamTHE THUA THIEN HUE UNION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATIONS, Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations2023
Republic of IndonesiaThe Faculty and Graduate School of Engineering, University of Brawijaya2024
Socialist Republic of Viet NamVietnam National University of Forestry2024
Socialist Republic of Viet NamBa Vi National Park2024

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Government

Kingdom of BelgiumEnergy Charter Secretariat 2016 (2021 renewed)

*Main participating department

Graduate School of Management

TaiwanCollege of Management, National Taiwan University2008
Socialist Republic of Viet NamThe University of Transport and Communications, Vietnam2009
Republic of TurkeyThe college of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Koc University2010
Kingdom of ThailandChulalongcorn Business School, Chulalongkorn University2013 (2018 renewed)
Republic of KoreaThe School of Business, Pusan National University2014 (2018 renewed)
Socialist Republic of Viet NamForeign Trade Universtiy, Hanoi2014 (2024 renewed)
Republic of TurkeyIzmir University of Economics2014 (2018 renewed)
Republic of KoreaGraduate School of Business, Seoul National University2015
IndiaIndian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur2015 (2020 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia2015 (2020 renewed)
Republic of the PhilippinesGRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, Ateneo De Manila Uiversity2015 (2020 renewed)
Republic of SingaporeLee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University2016
Lao People's Democratic RepublicFaculty of Economics and Business Administration, National University of Laos2016
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School), Universität Hamburg2016
IndiaWest Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences2016 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of BelgiumSolvay Brussels School of Economics & Management, Université libre de Bruxelles2016 (2021 renewed)
IndiaIndian Institute of Technology, Delhi2016 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaRoyal University of Phnom Penh2016 (2021 renewed)
United States of AmericaUniversity of South Carolina2017
IndiaIndian Institute of Management, Bangalore2017 (2022 renewed)
Kingdom of DenmarkDepartment of Management,, Politics and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School2017
United States of AmericaSC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University2017 (2022 renewed)
Portuguese RepublicNova School of Business and Economics, NOVA UNIVERSITY LISBON2017 (2022 renewed)
1.Socialist Republic of Viet Nam 2.Socialist Republic of Viet Nam1.The Directorate for Roads of Vietnam under the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam 2.The University of Transport and Communications, Vietnam2018
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen2018
United States of AmericaVillanova School of Business, Villanova University2019
TaiwanCollege of Management, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University2021
Kyrgyz RepublicAcademy of Public Administration under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic2021
Republic of KoreaGraduate School of Data Science, Seoul National University2022
French RepublicGrenoble Ecole de Management2023
Republic of SingaporeNUS Business School, National University of Singapore2024
MalaysiaInternational Islamic University Malaysia2024
People's Republic of ChinaCheung Kong Graduate School of Business2024
French RepublicTBS Education2024

*Main participating department

Faculty of Integrated Human Studies

TaiwanTHE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS/COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, National Taiwan University 2015 (2018 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaThe School of Geography, South China Normal University 2024

*Main participating department

Faculty of Letters

United States of AmericaHarvard-Yenching Institute1984
Swiss ConfederationFaculty of Humanities, University of Geneva 1998 (2023 renewed)
French RepublicUniversité Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis2003
People's Republic of ChinaDepartment of History, Peking University 2005 (2023 renewed)
TaiwanTHE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS/COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, National Taiwan University 2015 (2018 renewed)
Republic of BulgariaFaculty of Slavic Studies, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski 2023
Republic of UzbekistanIchan-Qala the State Museum Reserve 2023
Republic of EstoniaThe School of Humanities, Tallinn University 2024
Republic of KazakhstanThe School of Oriental studies/The School of International Relations/The School of Philology/The School of Philosophy and Political sciences/The Foundation, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University 2023
Republic of PolandUniversity of Warsaw 2024
HungaryFaculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University 2024

*Main participating department

Faculty of Education

United States of AmericaHarvard-Yenching Institute 1984
Republic of KoreaDepartment of Education, Seoul National University 2011 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaNational Institute of Education Sciences 2006 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaFACULTY OF EDUCATION, Beijing Normal University 2006 (2020 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, TU Dortmund University 2016 (2021 renewed)

*Main participating department

Faculty of Law

United States of AmericaHarvard-Yenching Institute 1984

*Main participating department

Faculty of Economics

United States of AmericaHarvard-Yenching Institute 1984
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Economics, Fudan University 2001
People's Republic of ChinaCenter for Japanese Studies, Fudan University 2001
Kingdom of SwedenJönköping International Business School, Jönköping University 2002 (2019 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Economics and Business Administratio, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main 2003
People's Republic of ChinaInstitute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 2004
French RepublicUniversité Paris Dauphine-PSL 2004 (2010 renewed)
TaiwanThe College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University 2005 (2020 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Economics, Thammasat University 2013 (2023 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandThe Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University 2013 (2023 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University 2014 (2024 renewed)
TaiwanTHE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS/COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, National Taiwan University 2015 (2018 renewed)
Republic of SingaporeSingapore Management University 2016
Republic of the PhilippinesUniversity of the Philippines Los Baños 2016 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of BelgiumThe Faculty of Economics and Business, KU Leuven 2016 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Political Science, Thammasat University 2019 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Economics, Nankai University 2020
United States of AmericaSC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University 2017 (2022 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Economics, Kasetsart University 2019 (2024 renewed)

*Main participating department

Faculty of Science

1.United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2.Federal Republic of Germany1.Botanic Garden, University of Bristol 2.Botanic Garden and Herbarium, Heidelberg University 2015 (2024 renewed)
United States of AmericaCollege of Science, University of Utah 2016 (2021 renewed)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUniversity of Edinburgh 2020
Republic of CroatiaInstitute of Physics 2020
People's Republic of ChinaThe College of Science, Southern University of Science and Technology 2024

*Main participating department

Faculty of Medicine

People's Republic of ChinaChina Medical University 1987
United States of AmericaM.D. Anderson Cancer Center, The University of Texas 2009 (2014 renewed)
Italian RepublicIFOM ETS - The AIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology 2010 (2020 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandThe Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University 2010 (2022 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaChina-Japan Friendship Hospital 2011 (2021 renewed)
Republic of KoreaCollege of Medicine, Yonsei University 2012 (2022 renewed)
Republic of KoreaCollege of Medicine, Seoul National University 2012 (2022 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaShanghai Medical College, Fudan University 2013 (2019 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaHealth Science Center, Peking University 2013 (2023 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaTongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2014 (2024 renewed)
CanadaFaculty of Medicine, McGill University 2014 (2019 renewed)
TaiwanTaipei Medical University 2015 (2023 renewed)
Kingdom of BhutanThe Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan 2015 (2020 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Gadjah Mada University 2015 (2020 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyThe Faculty of Medicine, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen 2016 (2021 renewed)
United States of AmericaSaint Anthony College of Nursing 2017 (2022 renewed)
Republic of FinlandFaculty of Medicine, University of Oulu 2018 (2023 renewed)
United States of AmericaPerelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania 2019 (2024 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyBonn Institutes of Immunosciences and Infection, Medical Faculty, University of Bonn 2020
Federal Republic of GermanyMax Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine 2023

*Main participating department

Kyoto University Hospital

People's Republic of ChinaChina-Japan Friendship Hospital 2011 (2021 renewed)
Republic of KoreaSeoul National University2013
1.Kingdom of Bhutan 2.Kingdom of Bhutan 3.Kingdom of Bhutan1.Ministry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan 2.The Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan 3.The Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital2013 (2021 renewed)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandCambridge Clinical Trials Unit, Cambridge University Hospitals2014
Swiss ConfederationUniversity Hospital Zurich/Clinical Trials Center, University of Zurich2014
TaiwanTaichung Veterans General Hospital2015 (2022 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada/Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Gadjah Mada University 2015 (2020 renewed)
TaiwanTaipei Veterans General Hospital2017 (2024 renewed)

*Main participating department

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Federal Republic of GermanyThe Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen 2021

*Main participating department

Faculty of Engineering

United States of AmericaCollege of Engineering, University of Wisconsin Madison1990
United States of AmericaCollege of Engineering, University of Washington1991
United States of AmericaCollege of Engineering, University of Texas at Austin1991
United States of AmericaSchool of Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute1995
Czech RepublicCzech Technical University in Prague1996
Federal Republic of GermanyInstitute of Organic Chemistry and Macromomlecular Chemistry, Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf2002
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, TU Dortmund University2002 (2018 renewed)
Kingdom of SwedenChalmers University of Technology2002 (2018 renewed)
Kingdom of the NetherlandsDelft University of Technology2003
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandSchool of Chemistry/School of Computer Sciences/College of Engineering and Physical Sciences/School of Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences/School of Mathematics/School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham2003
Kingdom of NorwayNorwegian University of Science and Technology2003
People's Republic of ChinaDalian University of Technology2003
Federative Republic of BrazilEscola Politecnica, University of São Paulo2004
CanadaFaculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, The University of Western Ontario2004
People's Republic of ChinaTongji University2005
TaiwanCollege of Engineering, National Cheng Kung University2006
French RepublicUniversity Pierre and Marie Curie → UPMC merged with Paris-Sorbonne University into a combined Sorbonne University2009
Kingdom of ThailandKing Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang 2009
Kingdom of SwedenLinköping University2009
1.Federal Republic of Germany 2.United States of America1.Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), University of Freiburg 2.College of Engineering, University of Michigan2012 (2018 renewed)
French RepublicScience and Properties of Matter Department and Rennes' Graduate School of Engineering, Université de Rennes (formerly Université de Rennes 1 (Institutionally reorganized)) 2013 (2021 renewed)
French RepublicParis Institute of Earth Physics 2013 (2018 renewed)
Republic of PolandAGH University of Science and Technology 2015
Republic of KoreaKyung Hee University 2016
French RepublicL’École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette 2016
New ZealandScience/Engineering/Architecture/Design Faculties/Robinson and Ferrier Institutes, Victoria University of Wellington 2016
People's Republic of ChinaGraduate School, Southeast University 2016
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Engineering/Graduate School of Engineering, University of Brawijaya 2017
French RepublicÉcole Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL 2019
AustraliaRoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology 2020
United Arab EmiratesThe College of Science/The College of Engineering, United Arab Emirates University 2020
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Science, Tianjin University 2021
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 2022
People's Republic of Chinathe College of Geoexploration Science and Technology, Jilin University 2019

*Main participating department

Faculty of Agriculture

Republic of IndonesiaIPB University (formerly Bogor Agricultural University)1983
Republic of ChileUniversity of Antofagasta1992
Republic of AustriaUniversity of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna1992 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaShanghai Ocean University 2003 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaNanjing Agricultral University 2004 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaFaculty of Life Science and Technology, Kunming University of Science and Technology 2006 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaCollege of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University 2006 (2021 renewed)
Italian RepublicDEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD, ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTRY, University of Florence 2009 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaChina Agricultural University 2009 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaNorthwest A&F University 2010 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandSchool of Bioresources and Technology, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi 2010 (2017 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandThailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research 2010 (2022 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaJiangnan University 2010 (2022 renewed)
Republic of KoreaCollege of Biotechnology & Bioengineering, Sungkyunkwan University 2011 (2021 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Agriculture/Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Brawijaya 2011 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaCollege of Civil Engineering, Tongji University 2011 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaSouth China Agricultural University 2012 (2022 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaShenyang Agricultural University 2012 (2022 renewed)
Italian RepublicDepartment of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences, University of Molise 2012 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of BangladeshBangladesh Agricultural University 2012 (2024 renewed)
Republic of KoreaSchool of Wellness Industry Convergence/School of Applied Science in Natural Resources & Environment/School of Animal Life Convergence Science/School of Biotechnology/School of Food Biotechnology & Chemical Engineering, Hankyong National University 2012 (2022 renewed)
Republic of KoreaCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University 2013 (2023 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaUniversitas Syiah Kuala 2013 (2022 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University 2013 (2023 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyFaculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ruhr-Universität Bochum 2013 (2023 renewed)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandHarper Adams University 2014 (2019 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaRoyal University of Agriculture 2014 (2019 renewed)
MalaysiaFaculty of Engineering (FoEUPM), Universiti Putra Malaysia 2014 (2021 renewed)
TaiwanCollege of Bioresources, National Ilan University 2014 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaCollege of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology 2015 (2020 renewed)
French RepublicInstitut Agro 2015 (2021 renewed)
French RepublicPôle A2F/Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University of Lorraine (formerly UNIVERSITY HENRI POINCARÉ NANCY-1) 2015 (2020 renewed)
United States of AmericaUniversity of Kentucky 2016 (2021 renewed)
Republic of KoreaCollege of Agriculture and Life Science, Seoul National University 2016 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaInstitute of Technology of Cambodia 2016 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaTaishan College/School of Life Science/School of Environmental Science and Engineering/School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shandong University 2016 (2021 renewed)
IndiaFaculty of Engineering and Architecture, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur 2016 (2021 renewed)
SpainThe Universidad Politecnica de Valencia 2017 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaHuazhong Agricultural University 2017 (2020 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaThe Faculty of Forestry/The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/Faculty of Agriculture/Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Mulawarman 2019 (2024 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandSchool of Agricultural Technology,, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang 2019 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaINSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN AGRICULTURE, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Science 2019 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaJilin Agricultural University 2020
IndiaIndian Council of Agricultural Research 2020
Italian RepublicDepartment of Soil Sciences, of Plants and Food, Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro 2020
United States of AmericaCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A&M University 2020
Republic of MadagascarUniversity of Mahjanga 2021
MalaysiaUniversiti Malaysia Sabah 2021
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University 2021
People's Republic of ChinaNortheast Agricultural University 2023

*Main participating department

Institute for Chemical Research

Federal Republic of GermanyUniversity of Duisburg-Essen1984
HungaryCentral Research Inst. For Chemical, Hungarian Academy of Sciences1987
Federal Republic of Germanyfor Polymer Research, Max-Planck-Institut1987
Republic of BulgariaHigher Institute of Chemical Technology, Sofia, Bulgaria1988
Kingdom of SwedenRoyal Institute of Technology (KTH )1989
People's Republic of ChinaChinese Academy of Sciences1989
Republic of KoreaInstitute of Biotechnology, Korea University1990
Russian FederationMoscow Institute of Physics and Technology1992
HungaryInstitute of Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences1993
Federal Republic of GermanyBerlin Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft Fur Synchrotronstrahlung1994
Italian RepublicIstitute National Di Fisica Nuclear, Laboratori Nazionali Di Legnaro1995
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University1996
Federal Republic of GermanyMax-Planck-Institut1997
Republic of KoreaPohang Accelerator Laboratory, Pohang University of Science and Technology2000
Russian FederationJoint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna2003
French RepublicInstitute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux2003
People's Republic of ChinaState Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering (SKLBE), East China University of Sciences and Technology2003
People's Republic of ChinaInstitue of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences2003
Republic of KoreaSchool of Chemical and Biological Engineering/Brain Korea 21 Program in Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University2006
Italian RepublicDepartment of Chemical, University of Naples Federico II2007
People's Republic of ChinaCollege of Material Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology2007
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University2007
United States of AmericaDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota2007
United States of AmericaCollege of Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara2007
Federal Republic of GermanyInstitut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Technical University of Braunshhweigh2007
Kingdom of ThailandInstitute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology2007
Hong KongDepartment of Mathematics, University of Hong Kong2007
Republic of KoreaCollege of Pharmacy, Ewha Womans University2008
Republic of KoreaSchool of Natural Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University2008
Republic of KoreaKumoh National Institute of Technology2008
IndiaSaha Institute of Nuclear Physics2008
Federal Republic of GermanyInstitute of Solid State Research, Forschungszentrum Jülich2008
Republic of KoreaTraditional Microorganism Resources Center, Keimyung University2008
Republic of KoreaDaegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology2008
TaiwanDepartment of Chemistry, National Sun Yat-sen University2008
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandPolymer Interdisciplinary Research Centre, University of Leeds2008
Italian RepublicDepartment of Architecture and Planning, University of Sassari2008
Kingdom of SwedenLinköping University 2009
People's Republic of ChinaShanghai Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing, Fudan University2009
People's Republic of ChinaInstitute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences2009
French RepublicUnite Formation de Rechercie-Structure et Proprietes de la Matiere, Université de Rennes (formerly Université de Rennes 1 (Institutionally reorganized))2009
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Science, Chiang Mai University2009 (2024 renewed)
Hong KongDEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, Chinese University of Hong Kong2009 (2019 renewed)
Republic of KoreaDepartment of Polymer Science and Engineering, Kyungpook National University2010
SpainDepartoment de F?sica de Materiales, Universidad del Pais Vasco UPV/EHU2010
Republic of IcelandInstitute of Physical Sciences, University of Iceland2010
TaiwanCollege of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National Cheng Kung University2010
People's Republic of ChinaFaculty of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Jiujiang University2011
Republic of IndonesiaThe Faculty of Teaching and Education Science, Bengkulu University2011 (2022 renewed)
Socialist Republic of Viet NamHanoi University of Pharmacy2011
Czech RepublicFaculty of Science, Charles University2011
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandCentre for Science at Extreme Conditions, University of Edinburgh2011
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandFaculty of Science, Durham University2012
TaiwanDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University2014 (2024 renewed)
TaiwanCenter for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University2014 (2024 renewed)
TaiwanDepartment of Chemistry, National Taiwan University2014 (2024 renewed)
United States of AmericaChemistry Department, University of Miami2015 (2020 renewed)
United States of AmericaDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame (du Lac)2016 (2021 renewed)
RomaniaHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering2016 (2021 renewed)
Republic of the PhilippinesUniversity of Santo Tomas2018
Socialist Republic of Viet NamFaculty of Information Technology, University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi2018 (2023 renewed)
TaiwanCollege of Biological Science and Technology, National Chiao Tung University(National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)2019
Mongoliathe Division of Natural Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, National University of Mongolia2021
French RepublicInstitut Charles Gerhardt, Université de Montpellier2021
Republic of KoreaInstitute of Energy Science and Technology, Sungkyunkwan University2023 (2023 renewed)
OtherTara OceanS2023
Italian RepublicDepartment of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II2024
Taiwani-Center for Advanced Science Technology, National Chung Hsing University2024

*Main participating department

Institute for Research in Humanities

United States of AmericaHarvard-Yenching Institute 1984
Republic of KoreaCulture Research Institute, Dongguk University2007
French RepublicInstitut d'études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po)2008
People's Republic of ChinaChina University of Political Science and Law2011
Federal Republic of GermanyInstitute for Sinology and East Asian Studies, University of Muenster2011
TaiwanInstitute of History & Philology, Academia Sinica2011 (2023 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyAsia-Africa-Institute, Universität Hamburg2013
TaiwanInstitute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica2013
TaiwanNational Central Library2014
People's Republic of ChinaNanjing University2015 (2020 renewed)
TaiwanNational Taiwan University2015 (2018 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaPolitical Science and Law, East China University2016
TaiwanInstitute of Modern History, Academia Sinica2016 (2021 renewed)
French RepublicÉcole Pratique des Hautes Études – PSL 2019
Republic of KoreaKorean Research Institute of Science, Technology and Civilization, Jeonbuk National University (formerly Chonbuk National University)2020
French RepublicÉcole française d'Extrême-Orient2022

*Main participating department

Institute for Life and Medical Sciences (LiMe)

People's Republic of ChinaChina Medical University1987
People's Republic of ChinaChina Rehabilitation Research Center1990
Federal Republic of GermanyBonn Institutes of Immunosciences and Infection, Medical Faculty, University of Bonn2020

*Main participating department

Institute of Advanced Energy

United States of AmericaFusion Technology Institute, University of Wisconsin1995
United States of AmericaFusion Studies Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign1995
People's Republic of ChinaChinese Academy of Sciences1996
People's Republic of ChinaChina Institute of Atomic Energy1996
United States of AmericaBeam Physics Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory1996
United States of AmericaHansen Experimental Physics Laboratory, Stanford University1996
AustraliaFlinders University of South Australia1996
AustraliaPlasma Research Laboratory, Australian National University1997
United States of AmericaTorsatron/Stellarator Laboratory, University of Wisconsin Madison1998
UkraineInstitue of Plasma Physics, National Science Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology, National Science Center1998
Italian RepublicMaterials Science and Chemical Engineering Dept., Polytechnic University of Turin1998
Republic of KoreaIndustry-University Cooperation Center, Dong-Eui University1999
Republic of KoreaFaculty of Engineering, Dong-Eui University2000
Republic of KoreaKorea Basic Science Institute2000
Federal Republic of GermanyDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg2001
SpainCentro De Inverstigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientalesy Tecnologicas2001
AustraliaSchool of Physics, University of Sydney2001
Slovak RepublicFaculty of Electrical Engineeering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology2001
Republic of KoreaInstitute of Industrial Science and Technology, College of Engineering, Pukyong National University2006
Kingdom of ThailandRajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi2006 (2017 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandThe Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi 2009
United States of AmericaEnergy institute, City University of New York 2010
Socialist Republic of Viet NamNano and Energy Center, Vietnam National University, Hanoi2012
Republic of KoreaFusion Plasma Transport Research Center, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology2013
Republic of KoreaFusion Plasma Stability and Confinement Research Center (FPSCRC), Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology2014 (2019 renewed)
RomaniaHoria Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering2014 (2020 renewed)
Brunei DarussalamCENTER FOR ADVANCED MATERIAL & ENERGY SCIENCES, University of Brunei Darussalam2014 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaInternational Joint Research Laboratory of Magnetic Confinement Fusion and Plasma Physics (IFPP), Huazhong University of Science and Technology2019 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaCenter for Fusion Science, Southwestern Institute of Physics2019 (2024 renewed)
Lao People's Democratic RepublicFaculty of Engineering, National University of Laos2019
Republic of KoreaKorea Institute of Fusion Energy (formerly The National Fusion Research Institute)2019 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaThe Institute of Fusion Science, Southwest Jiaotong University2019 (2024 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyPlasma Physics, Max-Planck-Institut2019 (2024 renewed)
Arab Republic of EgyptFaculty of Science, Assiut University2022
Kingdom of the NetherlandsDepartment of Applied Physics and Science Education, Eindhoven University of Technology2023
People's Republic of ChinaInstitute for Carbon Neutrality, Zhejiang University2024
Kingdom of ThailandThailand Institute of Nuclear Technology2024
Hashemite Kingdom of JordanThe Hamdi Mango Center for Scientific Research, The University of Jordan2024
MalaysiaInstitute of Sustainable Energy, ​Universiti Tenaga Nasional2024
People's Republic of ChinaThe Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, Zhejiang University of Technology2024

*Main participating department

Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere

People's Republic of ChinaNanjing Forestry University1996 (2024 renewed)
French RepublicCentre de Recherches sur les Macromolécules Végétales, French National Center for Scientific Research1997
Republic of IndonesiaResearch Center for Biomaterial, Indonesian Institute of Sciences(→Merged National Research and Innovation Agency)2004 (2021 renewed)
Republic of FinlandVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland2007 (2022 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaZhejiang Forestry University2007 (2022 renewed)
United States of AmericaCollege of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences, University of Oklahoma 2008 (2023 renewed)
Republic of BulgariaInstitute of Mathematics and informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Science2009
TaiwanCollege of Planning and Design, National Cheng Kung University2010 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaSouthwest Forestry University2010 (2020 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University2011 (2016 renewed)
Republic of KoreaCollege of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University2012 (2022 renewed)
French RepublicPôle A2F/Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, University of Lorraine (formerly UNIVERSITY HENRI POINCARÉ NANCY-1) 2015 (2020 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas University2015 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaThe Material Science and Engineering College, Northeast Forestry University2015 (2020 renewed)
IndiaIndian Institute of Geomagnetism2016 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of BangladeshKhulna University2018 (2023 renewed)
MalaysiaUniversiti Putra Malaysia2019
TaiwanNational Museum of Taiwan History2019 (2024 renewed)
TaiwanNational Space Organization (NSPO), National Applied Research Laboratories of Taiwan2019
Republic of IndonesiaThe Faculty of Forestry/The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/Faculty of Agriculture/Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Mulawarman 2019 (2024 renewed)
IndiaNational Atmospheric Research Laboratory, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory2020
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Forestry/Faculty of Agriculture/Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/Faculty of Engineering, Tajungpura University 2020
People's Republic of ChinaThe School of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing University2022

*Main participating department

Disaster Prevention Research Institute

People's Republic of ChinaNorthwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences1989 (2019 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaGeological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia1993 (2019 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaInstitute of Tibetan Plateau, Chinese Academy of Sciences1996 (2019 renewed)
Republic of AustriaInternational Institute for Applied Systems Analysis2000 (2022 renewed)
People's Republic of BangladeshCenter for Health and Population Research, International Center for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh2002
CanadaInstitute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction2002
Italian RepublicEarth Sciences Department, University of Florence2002
Federal Democratic Republic of NepalInstitute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University2002
Slovak RepublicFaculty of Natural Science, Comenius University2003
Republic of IndonesiaJASA TIRTA I Public Corporation, Indonesia2003 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of BangladeshInstitute of Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology2004
TaiwanNational Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE), National Applied Research Laboratories of Taiwan2004
People's Republic of ChinaAcademy of Disaster Reduction and Emergency management Ministry of Emergency Management and Ministry of Education, Beijing Normal University2004 (2019 renewed)
Republic of KoreaGraduate School of Disaster Prevention, Kangwon National University2006 (2022 renewed)
TaiwanThe Disaster Prevention Research Center, National Cheng Kung University2007
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe School of Applied Sciences, Northumbria University2007
1.Headquarters in French Republic 2.Headquarters in Japan1.The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 2.The International Consortium on Landslides2003 (2023 renewed)
United States of AmericaSouthern California Earthquake Center2007 (2020 renewed)
Socialist Republic of Viet NamThuyloi university2008 (2023 renewed)
United States of AmericaCollege of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences, University of Oklahoma2008 (2023 renewed)
IndiaSchool of Planning and Architecture2009
TaiwanNational Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction2010 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaCollege of Engineering, Ocean University of China2011 (2021 renewed)
French RepublicL'Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT), University of Bordeaux2011 (2021 renewed)
Italian RepublicThe Joint Research Centre, European Commission2011 (2022 renewed)
Republic of FijiFaculty of Science, Technology and Environment, University of the South Pacific 2012 (2017 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaState Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University2012 (2023 renewed)
French RepublicBureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres (BRGM)2013 (2018 renewed)
TaiwanTainan Hydraulics Laboratory, National Cheng Kung University2013 (2023 renewed)
TaiwanThe Center for Weather Climate and Disaster Research (WCDR), National Taiwan University2014 (2019 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaSichuan University2015 (2020 renewed)
JapanThe International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management under the auspices of UNESCO, National Research and Development Agency, Public Works Research Institute2015 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaCenter for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEP), Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)2015 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaChina State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology2015 (2020 renewed)
Arab Republic of EgyptGerman University in Cairo2015 (2020 renewed)
Republic of ColombiaSchool of Engineering, Universidad de los Andes2016 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaKey Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China, The Ministry of Education of China, School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University2016 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaFaculty of Geoscience and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University2016 (2021 renewed)
Islamic Republic of IranInternational Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology2016 (2020 renewed)
Republic of KoreaSchool of Urban and Environmental Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology2017
Federal Democratic Republic of NepalHydro Lab Pvt. Ltd.2017 (2022 renewed)
Italian RepublicDepartment of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Bologna2017
People's Republic of ChinaThe School of Environment, Northeast Normal University2017
IndiaDepartment of Meteorology and Oceanography, Andhra University2017 (2022 renewed)
Republic of IcelandUniversity of Iceland, University of Iceland2017
Republic of KoreaGeologic Environment Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources2018
People's Republic of ChinaChina Research Center for Emergency Management, Wuhan University of Technology2018
Republic of KoreaK-water Convergence Institute, Korea Water Resources Corporation2018
People's Republic of BangladeshFaculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Dhaka2018 (2023 renewed)
IndiaCentre of Excellence in Disaster Mitigation and Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee2018
Kingdom of MoroccoFaculty of Sciences and Technics, University Hassan II, Casablanca2018 (2023 renewed)
TaiwanCollege of Construction and Development, Feng-Chia University2018 (2023 renewed)
New ZealandInstitute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited, New Zealand2019
Republic of the PhilippinesCollege of Engineering, Isabela State University2019 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaInstitute of Earthquake Forecasting, China Earthquake Administration2019
Republic of IndonesiaCenter for Atmospheric Science and Technology, Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space2019
Federal Republic of GermanyCenter for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Universität Hamburg2019 (2024 renewed)
French RepublicUniversity of Franche Comté2020
People's Republic of ChinaThe College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Wenzhou University2020
Kingdom of BhutanDepartment of Geology and Mines, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Kingdom of Bhutan2020
United States of AmericaScripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego2020
Republic of the PhilippinesMariano Marcos State University2021
Sultanate of OmanWater Research Centre (WRC), Sultan Qaboos University2022
Federal Republic of NigeriaFaculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria2022
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta2022
Republic of ColombiaNational Unit for Disaster Risk Management of Colombia2023
TaiwanDepartment of Water Resources , Taoyuan2023
Republic of KoreaNational Crisisonomy Institute, Chungbuk National University2023
Kingdom of NorwayDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology2023
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandFaculty of Science and Engineering, Swansea University2023
United States of AmericaPacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley2002 (2023 renewed)
Republic of KoreaDepartment of Urban Planning and Engineering, Pusan National University2024
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Infrastructure Engineering, Dalian University of Technology2024
TaiwanDepartment of Atmospheric Sciences, National Central University2024

*Main participating department

Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics

Republic of KoreaKorean Institute for Advanced Study2004 (2008 renewed)
Italian RepublicInternational School for Advanced Studies2005 (2020 renewed)
Republic of KoreaAsia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics2007 (2022 renewed)
United States of AmericaFaculty of Arts and Science, New York University2011
Federal Republic of GermanyArnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics, University of Munich2013 (2023 renewed)
TaiwanPhysics Division, National Center for Theoretical Sciences2013 (2023 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandNaresuan University2014 (2020 renewed)
United States of AmericaWalter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics, California Institute of Technology2014 (2024 renewed)
Kingdom of NorwayInstitute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo2015 (2020 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaNational Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences2016 (2021 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaThe College of Physical Science and Technology, Central China Normal University2016 (2021 renewed)
TaiwanLeung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (LeCosPA), National Taiwan University2017 (2021 renewed)
Swiss ConfederationAlbert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Bern2019 (2024 renewed)
Federal Republic of GermanyMax Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Max-Planck-Institut2019 (2024 renewed)
TaiwanThe College of Science, National Taiwan University2021
People's Republic of ChinaKavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences2023
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Physics Science and Engineering, Tongji University2024

*Main participating department

Kyoto Institute of Economic Research

French RepublicGroupement de Recherche en Economie Quantitative d’Aix-Marseille (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Aix-Marseille Universit)2007 (2023 renewed)
Russian FederationNational Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University)2007 (2022 renewed)
Republic of KoreaInstitute of Economic Research, Seoul National University2008 (2022 renewed)
HungaryCentre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences2012 (2022 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaThe China Center for Economic Research, Peking University2017 (2022 renewed)
TaiwanAsia University2018
Russian FederationSaint Petersburg University2018
Republic of KoreaSchool of Economics, Yonsei University2019 (2024 renewed)

*Main participating department

Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Republic of KoreaKorea Institute for Advanced Study2000
Republic of KoreaDepartment of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University2006 (2021 renewed)
CanadaPacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences2009
Republic of KoreaNational Institute for Mathematical Sciences2010
Federal Republic of GermanyHausdorff Center for Mathematics, University of Bonn2011
Republic of KoreaThe CAU Nonlinear PDE Center, Chung-Ang University2013 (2018 renewed)
TaiwanNational Center for Theoretical Sciences2014 (2019 renewed)
United States of AmericaCollege of Science, University of Utah 2016 (2021 renewed)
Republic of KoreaThe Center for Geometry and Physics, Institute for Basic Science2017 (2020 renewed)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUniversity of Edinburgh 2020

*Main participating department

Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science

United States of AmericaNuclear Reactor Laboratory, Ohio State University1987
United States of AmericaResearch Reactor Facility, University of Missouri1987
United States of AmericaPhoenix Research Reactor Laboratory, University of Michigan1987
United States of AmericaNuclear Reactor Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology1988
Argentine RepublicInstitute Balseiro, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo1988
United States of AmericaCollege of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley1988 (1992 renewed)
United States of AmericaCollege of Arts and Sciences, University of Rhode Island1991
CanadaFaculty of Engineering, Mcmaster University1996
People's Republic of ChinaXi'an Jiaotong University1997
Kingdom of the NetherlandsThe Interfaculty Reactor Institute, Delft University of Technology1998
People's Republic of ChinaInstitute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences1999
Republic of KoreaPhysics Department, Pohang University of Science and Technology2000
Kingdom of SwedenChalmers University of Technology2000
People's Republic of ChinaDepartment of Nuclear Physics, China Institute of Atomic Energy2001
Republic of KoreaCollege of Advanced Technology, Kyung Hee University2003
Republic of KoreaCollege of Engineering, Hanyang University2004
Republic of KoreaThe Collage of Engineering, Chosun University2005
Republic of KoreaHANARO Application research Center, The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)2005
Republic of KoreaCollege of Engineering, Jeju National University (Cheju National University)2007
Republic of KoreaCollege of Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology2008
Republic of KoreaCollege of Engineering, Seoul National University2008
Republic of KoreaCollege of Energy and Environment, Dongguk University2008
TaiwanNuclear Science and Technology Development Center, National Tsing Hua University2010
Republic of KoreaCollege of Engineering, Soonchunhyang University2010
Republic of KoreaCollege of Health Science, Catholic University of Daegu2010
Republic of KoreaCenter for Evolutionary Nuclear Technolgy and Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology2011
Republic of KoreaCollege of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Konkuk University2011
Republic of KoreaAdvanced Nuclear Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology2012
Czech RepublicFaculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague2012
Republic of KoreaCollege of Science, Sungkyunkwan University2012
Federal Republic of GermanyInstitut of Power Engineering, TU Dresden2012
Republic of IndonesiaCenter of Science and technology accelerator, National nuclear energy agency2014
People's Republic of ChinaInstitute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences2014
People's Republic of ChinaInstitute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences2014 (2016 renewed)
Republic of KoreaThe Nuclear Data Center, The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)2014
People's Republic of ChinaHefei University of Technology, Hefei University of Technology2015
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandRutherford Appleton Laboratory, The Science and Technology Facilities Council2014
People's Republic of ChinaHunan Provincial Cooperative Innovation Center for Nuclear Fuel  Cycle Technology and Equipment, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CHINA2015
Republic of KoreaCollege of Engineering, Sejong University2016
Republic of KoreaKorea Nuclear International Cooperation Foundation2016
People's Republic of ChinaInstitute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences2017
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Physics, Dalian University of Technology2018
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Science, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang2020
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandSouth West Nuclear Hub, University of Bristol2020
Republic of KoreaCollege of Engineering, Pusan National University2020
Kingdom of ThailandThe School of Renewable Energy and Smart Grid Technology, Naresuan University2020
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Science and Technology, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University2021
People's Republic of BangladeshInstitute of Energy Science, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission2021

*Main participating department

Primate Research Institute

Republic of GuineaLa Direction Nationale de le Recherche Scientifique et Technique1998
Republic of KoreaSeoul Grand Park (Seoul Zoo)2010
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Veterinary Medicine, Gadjah Mada University2013 (2018 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandNational Primate Research Center, Chulalongkorn University2015 (2021 renewed)
IndiaNational Institute of Advanced Studies2016
Republic of KoreaNational Institute of Ecology2016
United States of AmericaKENT STATE UNIVERSITY2016 (2021 renewed)
Republic of the Union of MyanmarThe Department of Archaeology and National Museum of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, Nay Pyi Taw, The Republic of Myanmar2017
Republic of AustriaAffenberg Monkey Mountain2020

*Main participating department

Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior

Republic of KoreaNational Primate Research Center, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology2023
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University (formerly Bogor Agricultural University)2013 (2023 renewed)

*Main participating department

Center for Southeast Asian Studies

Republic of IndonesiaResearch Institute and Graduate Program, Hasanuddin University1996 (2001 renewed)
Republic of the Union of MyanmarSEAMEO Regional Centre for History and Tradition2002
Republic of the Union of MyanmarYezin Agricultural University2002
People's Republic of BangladeshInternational Centre for Diarrheal Diseases Research, Bangladesh2002
Republic of SingaporeFaculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore2002
Kingdom of ThailandThe Faculty of Science,, Prince of Songkla University2002 (2019 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaNational Islamic University 2004
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University2004
Republic of IndonesiaCenderawasih University2006
Lao People's Democratic RepublicFaculty of Forestry, National University of Laos 2007
Lao People's Democratic RepublicFaculty of Agriculture, National University of Laos 2007
Lao People's Democratic RepublicFaculty of Social Science, National University of Laos 2007
Republic of IndonesiaSultan Agung Tirtayasa University2007 (2019 renewed)
Arab Republic of EgyptCenter for Asian Studies/Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University 2008
Republic of PeruInstitute of Peruvian Studies2010 (2023 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaRoyal University of Agriculture2010 (2022 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaRoyal University of Fine Arts2010 (2022 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University2011
Kingdom of BhutanSherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan2011
Kingdom of BhutanMinistry of Health, Royal Government of Bhutan2012 (2021 renewed)
TaiwanCenter for Asia-Pacific Area Studies/Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica2012 (2020 renewed)
Republic of the PhilippinesCebuano Studies Center, University of San Carlos2012 (2020 renewed)
Kingdom of SwedenThe Forum for Asian Studies, Stockholm University2013
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Political Science, Ubon Ratchathani University2013 (2019 renewed)
Hong KongSoutheast Asia Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong2013 (2019 renewed)
Lao People's Democratic RepublicThe National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, Mnistry of Agriculture and Forestry2014 (2022 renewed)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe Department of Geography, University of Leicester2014
Republic of the PhilippinesThe School of Social Sciences, Ateneo De Manila Uiversity2014
AustraliaSydney Southeast Asia Centre, University of Sydney2014 (2020 renewed)
MalaysiaForest Research Institute Malaysia (formerly Malaysian Forestry Research and Development Board) 2014 (2024 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaThe Faculty of Social and Political Science, Bangka Belitung University2015
Republic of EstoniaThe Estonian Institute of Humanities, Tallinn University2015 (2020 renewed)
TaiwanThe Center for Southeast Asian Studies, National Chengchi University2016 (2021 renewed)
TaiwanDepartment of Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan University2016 (2022 renewed)
TaiwanThe Center for Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan University2016 (2022 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaRoyal University of Phnom Penh2016 (2022 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandBuddhist Research Institute (BRI), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University2016
Federative Republic of BrazilThe Federal University of Minas Gerais2016 (2021 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 2016 (2021 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaFaculty of Dakwah and Communication, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta2017
Republic of KoreaResearch Institute of Asian Women, Sookmyung Women’s University2017 (2022 renewed)
Kingdom of CambodiaThe Authority of Protection and Management of Angkor and Region of Siem Reap2017
Kingdom of CambodiaThe Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace2017
Republic of the PhilippinesThe College of Liberal Arts, De la Salle University2017
Republic of the Union of MyanmarUniversity of Mandalay 2018
Republic of IndonesiaUniversity of Palangka Raya2018 (2023 renewed)
Kingdom of the NetherlandsThe International Institute for Asian Studies2018 (2023 renewed)
Republic of the PhilippinesIlligan Institute of Technology, Mindanao State University2018
Republic of the PhilippinesVisayas State University2018
People's Republic of ChinaThe School of International Studies/ Academy of Overseas Chinese Studie, Jinan University2019
Kingdom of ThailandThe Faculty of Architecture, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang 2019
Kingdom of ThailandThe School of Social Innovation, Mae Fah Luang University 2019
Kingdom of ThailandAsia Centre2019
Republic of IndonesiaInstitute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University2019
Republic of IndonesiaThe Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Brawijaya2019
Kingdom of CambodiaThe Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center2019
Socialist Republic of Viet NamThe College of Natural Sciences, Can Tho University 2019
Republic of KoreaThe Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Jeonbuk National University (formerly Chonbuk National University)2019
1.Republic of Indonesia 2.Republic of Indonesia1.Mataram University 2.Udayana University2019 (2024 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaThe Tsuami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Universitas Syiah Kuala2019 (2024 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaThe School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia2019
MalaysiaThe Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia, Sunway University2020
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science2020 (2023 renewed)
Republic of IndonesiaInternational Centre for Aceh and Indian Ocean Studies2021
CanadaThe School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia2021
Kingdom of ThailandFaculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University2023
Republic of the PhilippinesThe College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Cavite State University2023
People's Republic of ChinaThe Research Institute of Global Chinese and Area Studies, Huaqiao University2024
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe Centre for Tropical Medicine & Global Health, Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, University of Oxford2021
Socialist Republic of Viet NamThe Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS), VinUniversity2022
Republic of IndonesiaThe Graduate Program in Disaster Science, Postgraduate School, Universitas Syiah Kuala2024
Republic of IndonesiaNational Archives of the Republic of Indonesia2024
Republic of IndonesiaThe Institute of Research and Community Services, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya2024
Kingdom of the NetherlandsThe Department of Art & Culture, History, and Antiquity/Graduate School of Humanities, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam2024
Lao People's Democratic RepublicLao Academy of Social and Economic Sciences2024
Kingdom of ThailandGreater Mekong Subregion Studies Center, Nakhon Phanom University2024

*Main participating department

Center for iPS Cell Research and Application

United States of AmericaGladstone Institute2019 (2024 renewed)

*Main participating department

Kyoto University Library

Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies

Republic of SingaporeInteractive and Digital Media Institute, National University of Singapore2011

*Main participating department

Center for Ecological Research

Kingdom of ThailandThailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research 2010 (2022 renewed)
TaiwanResearch Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica2011
Republic of KoreaNational Institute of Ecology2016 (2021 renewed)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandJohn Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park2023

*Main participating department

Wildlife Research Center

MalaysiaYayasan Sabah2011 (2021 renewed)
United Republic of TanzaniaTanzania Wildlife Research Institute2013
Republic of IndonesiaThe Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University (formerly Bogor Agricultural University)2013 (2024 renewed)
Headquarters in French RepublicRegional Post-graduate School for Integrated Management of lands and Tropical Forests of UNESCO,Kinshasa University, The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)2015
Republic of UgandaChimpanzee Sanctuary & Wildlife Conservation Trust, UGANDA2016
AustraliaAustralian Museum2019
Portuguese RepublicThe University of Coimbra2019
Kyrgyz RepublicKyrgyz Republic-Japan Center for Human Development2022
Kyrgyz RepublicInstitute of Biology, National Academy of Science of Kyrgyz Republic2023
Kyrgyz RepublicFaculty of Science, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University2023

*Main participating department

The Kyoto University Museum

TaiwanMuseums, National Taiwan University2013 (2023 renewed)
United States of AmericaDepartment of East Asian Studies, Princeton University2020
Socialist Republic of Viet NamInstitute of Genome Research, VietNam Academy of Science And Technology2022
Socialist Republic of Viet NamThe Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources, VietNam Academy of Science And Technology2018 (2023 renewed)
Republic of the PhilippinesUniversity of the Philippines Los Baños2022
Kingdom of ThailandPrincess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Natural History Museum, Prince of Songkla University2022
Republic of the Union of MyanmarExcavation, Antiquities and Epigraphy Division, The Department of Archaeology and National Museum of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture, Nay Pyi Taw, The Republic of Myanmar2022
Socialist Republic of Viet NamVNU University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi2024

*Main participating department

Field Science Education and Research Center

Republic of the PhilippinesRegiona; Integrated Coastal Resource Management Center-Region XI, Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology2018
Kingdom of ThailandDepartment of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperativesof Thailand2019
Republic of IndonesiaUniversity of Palangka Raya2023

*Main participating department

Institute for the Future of Human Society

Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study

1.India 2.India1.Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 2.The Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine2010 (2017 renewed)
IndiaJawaharal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research2011 (2016 renewed)
Kingdom of ThailandVidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology2016 (2021 renewed)
TaiwanR&D Center for Membrane Technology, CHUNG YUAN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY2018 (2023 renewed)
Swiss ConfederationAO Research Institute Davos, AO Foundation2018 (2023 renewed)
Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaKing Abdullah University of Science and Technology2019 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaSchool of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University2019 (2024 renewed)
Republic of KoreaDepartment of Chemistry, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology2020 (2025 renewed)
Republic of SingaporeInstitute of Materials Research and Engineering, Agency for Science, Technology and Research2021
People's Republic of ChinaUNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development, Tongji University2021
New ZealandMacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology2021
TaiwanChina Medical University Hospital, China Medical University2022 (2024 renewed)
People's Republic of ChinaCollege of Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology2022
Federal Republic of GermanyMax Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine 2023
IndiaCentre for Nanotechnology/Department of Chemical Engineering/Department of Water Resources Development and Management/Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee2024

*Main participating department

Center for African Area Studies

Democratic Republic of the CongoInsritute De Recherche En Sciences De La Sante1988
Democratic Republic of the CongoCentre De Recherche En Sciences Humaines1988
Democratic Republic of the CongoCentre De Recherche En Sciences Naturelles1988
Republic of MadagascarParc Botanique Et Zoologique De Tsimbazaza1988 (1992 renewed)
French RepublicFrench National Center for Scientific Research1991
Federal Republic of GermanyThe Global South Studies Center (GSSC), University of Cologne 2016
Republic of GuineaInstitut de Recherche Environnementale de Bossou 2016 (2023 renewed)
Republic of ZambiaInstitute of Economics and Social Research, University of Zambia 2018
Republic of MadagascarUniversity of Mahjanga 2021
Republic of NigerNational Weather Service, Republic of Niger 2021
Republic of UgandaKyambogo University 2022
Federal Democratic Republic of EthiopiaThe South Omo Research Center (SORC), Jinka University2023
Republic of South AfricaThe Centre for Asian Studies in Africa (CASA) in The Faculty of Humanities and The Department of Sociology, University of Pretoria 2023

*Main participating department

Institute for Liberal Arts and Science

United States of AmericaKYOTO CENTER FOR JAPANESE STUDIES, Washington University in St. Louis2005
United States of AmericaSTANFORD CENTER FOR TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION, Stanford University2005

*Main participating department

Kyoto University Library Network

United States of AmericaDepartment of East Asian Studies, Princeton University 2020

*Main participating department

Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation

People's Republic of ChinaInternational Technology Transfer Center, Tsinghua University2004
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandResearch and Enterprise Development, University of Bristol2008
United States of AmericaThe Office of Technology Development, Harvard University2010

*Main participating department
