Researchers and departments involved in exchange activities

KU-UNIVIE Joint Grant Program
Funded Applicants and Reports

FY 2023

Project Title
KU Coordinator UNIVIE Coordinator Report
An intersectional look at Austrian and Japanese inclusive educational discourses in the current era of poly-crises and flight
Emmanuel Manalo
(Professor, Graduate School of Education)
Michelle Proyer
(Associate Professor, Center for Teacher Education)
Thermodynamic bounds for levitated nanoparticles
Andreas Dechant
(Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of Science)
Nikolai Kiesel
(Associate Professor, Faculty of Physics)
Co-Creation for Service Innovation using the Digital Design Thinking Approach
Yoshinori Hara
(Professor, Graduate School of Management)
Dimitris Karagiannis
(Professor, Faculty of Computer Science)
Expanding the capabilities and therapeutic opportunities in antimicrobial peptide research
Shiroh Futaki
(Professor, Institute for Chemical Research)
Markus Muttenthaler
(Associate Professor, Institute of Biological Chemistry)
International Training Course of Cognitive Biology
Takeshi Nishimura
(Associate Professor, Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior)
W. Tecumseh Fitch
(Professor, Department of Behavioral and Cognitive Biology)
Powdered hierarchically-porous silica monoliths for critical materials recovery from non-traditional feedstocks
Kazuki Nakanishi
(Program-Specific Professor, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS))
Freddy Kleitz
(Professor, Faculty of Chemistry)
Joint research and workshop on catalytic metal nanoparticles in MOFs
Hiroyasu Tabe
(Program-specific junior associate professor, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS))
Michael Reithofer
(Associate Professor, Faculty of Chemistry)

FY 2022

Project Title
KU Coordinator UNIVIE Coordinator Report
Joint Workshop on the Synthetic Organic Chemistry of Sulfur
Hideki Yorimitsu
(Professor, Graduate School of Science)
Nuno Maulide
(Professor, Faculty of Chemistry)
Joint Kyoto-Vienna Interface for Research Resources on South and Central Asian Cultural History of the 1st Millenium
Erika Forte
(Professor, Institute for Research in Humanities)
Martin Gaenszle
(Professor, Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation of Inner and South Asian Cultural History (CIRDIS))
Large-scale hierarchically-porous silica monoliths for rare earth element extraction from non-traditional feedstocks
Kazuki Nakanishi
(Program-Specific Professor, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS))
Freddy Kleitz
(Professor, Faculty of Chemistry)
Mathematical models of emergence and dynamics of natural networks
Sungrim Seirin-Lee
(Professor, Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBi))
Sara Merino-Aceituno
(Associate Professor, Faculty of Mathematics)


Strategic Partnership Program for the Enhancement of Research Capacity (FY2019~2022)

Funded departments and researchers 

Funded departments
  • Prof. Takashi Muranaka, Graduate School of Law
  • Prof. Kayo Hirakawa, Graduate School of Letters
  • Prof. Yoshinori Hara, Graduate School of Management
  • Prof. Minoru Inaba, Institute for Research in Humanities
  • Prof. Hiroyuki Yano, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH)
  • ​Associate Prof. Takeshi Nishimura, Center for the Evolutionary Origins of Human Behavior (EHUB)
  • Prof. Junko Kawai, Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences (ILAS)


For inquiries:
International Relations Section, International Affairs Division
