Dr. Jiro Seki, Deputy Director of Research Administrators’ Office visits German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)

On July 12, Dr. Jiro Seki, Deputy Director of Research Administrators’ Office at Kyoto University (KURA) visited German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and met with Dr. Ruth Herzog, head of technology transfer.  KURA has established a new group in charge of industry, government and academia collaboration.  Dr. Seki introduced about this new effort, to support this collaboration from research administrators’ point of view, namely closer to researchers, whereby Dr. Ruth explained about her projects on strategic partnership and spin-off deals.


DKFZ does not have his own hospital but has a strong connection with Heidelberg University, its hospital and medical faculty as well as Heidelberg based research institutes such as European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and Max Planck Institute for Medical Research Heidelberg.  We as the European Center in Heidelberg would like to make use of this geographical benefit to expand and strengthen our networks.

