HeKKSaGOn Alliance of Universities


The HeKKSaGOn Alliance was founded in 2010 between six universities in Germany and Japan consisting of the following partners:



Heidelberg University


Kyoto University


Karlsruhe Institute
of Technology (KIT)
  Tohoku University   University of Göttingen   Osaka University



HeKKSaGOn Alliance aims at contributing to the welfare both of our countries and of the world at large. In order to achieve its objectives, the German-Japanese consortium has agreed to concentrate on the following activities:

  • to set up research groups on specific aspects related to the priority areas.
  • to involve extra-university research institutions and industrial partners in research projects.
  • to cooperate in the training of young researchers and to develop joint programs for graduate/doctoral students.
  • to promote the mobility of academic staff, young researchers and students within in the consortium.
  • to cooperate as a consortium in competing for funding from national and international agencies.
  • to disseminate research results and make them available to the public for innovation and application.


  • The 6th HeKKSaGOn Presidents’ Conference in Osaka (April 2018)

Priority Areas

  1. Transcultural Studies and the Transformation of Societies
  2. Data Science, Digitalization, and Artificial Intelligence
  3. Life Science, Medicine, and Changing Environments


Mission Statement


In consideration of

  • the traditionally good relations between Japan and Germany and
  • the long-lasting successful collaboration between research institutions of the two countries

and remaining of the conviction

  • that all major global problems can only be solved by international cooperation in research and by the open and free exchange of knowledge and research results,
  • that changes in one part of the world have effects in other parts,
  • that it is the responsibility of the scientifically and technologically advanced nations to find solutions not only for their own countries but on a global scope
  • that universities should provide education and training to students and young researchers which prepare them for the demands and challenges of a globalized world.

six leading research universities from Japan and Germany decided in July 2010 to establish a bi-national network in order to intensify their cooperation in research and teaching in areas of high importance for the welfare of their societies and mankind as a whole.


​For the full version of the Mission Statement please click here.


Working Groups & Projects

  1. Innovative biostatistical methods for complex medical data
  2. Math-Empowered Design of New Biomaterials Contributing to Life Science and Medicine
  3. Novel Neural Network Architectures for Wearable Biosignals
  4. Displacement and Detention in History and Historical Memory: Germany and Japan in Comparative and Transcultural Perspective
  5. ECLIPSE – Edu-larp for Climate Learning and Innovative Practices in Sustainable Education
  6. Digital Solutions for Aging Societies: Harnessing AI and Robotics for Personalized Assistance



Seasonal Schools

The HeKKSaGOn Seasonal School enables young scholars from each HeKKSaGOn university to participate in theoretical lectures, methodological workshops or applied fieldwork. It is a continuous effort to create interdisciplinary partnerships and bring together researchers from various disciplines. Its aim is to inspire, motivate, and encourage talented students from Germany and Japan.

HeKKSaGOn Winter School 2016

Participants of the HeKKSaGOn Winter School 2016

Data Science Soirée

In 2017 the new work group “Data Science” was founded. With regard to bring together researchers from different fields of expertise and invigorate interdisciplinary partnerships meetings are continually held to support networking and the exchange of ideas as well as research results. The first meeting was organized by Kyoto University on November 11th, 2017.


HeKKSaGOn Internship Programme

My Return to Kyoto after the HeKKSaGOn internship

In March 2016, Timo Essig participated in a three weeks internship at Kyoto University within the framework of the HeKKSaGOn Internship Programme to experience Japanese university life and get in contact with Japanese researchers. In December 2018, he returned to Kyoto University as a Postdoc student to give a lecture at the “Research on Topology and Differential Geometry using Singularity Theory of Differentiable Maps” conference. In this article he talks about the development of his career after visiting Kyoto University, its influence on his future as well as his unforeseen but joyful return.



Impressions of HeKKSaGOn Internship Programme at Kyoto University

In March 2016, Ph.D. students Francesco Silvestri (Heidelberg University), Timo Essig (Heidelberg University) and Michael Färber (Karlsruhe Insitute for Technology, KIT) participated in an internship program within the framework of HeKKSaGOn. The internship program aims to promote foreign language skills and insights into different cultures for students of Kyoto University and its partners. Through HeKKSaGON, Kyoto University intends to invite German researchers among three German HeKKSaGOn universities to Kyoto University for several weeks.


Further Information

For more detailed information on the HeKKSaGOn Alliance of Universities please visit the following link.
