Meet & Greet under the Camphor Tree 2021

※Thank you very much for your participating the event! (for more)

Hoping that uninterrupted academic mobility will be possible again in 2022, Kyoto University European Center organizes Meet & Greet under the Camphor Tree 2021. The evergreen Cinnamomum camphora is very robust and growing slowly but steadily. A magnificent and lush Camphor tree stands in front Kyoto University’s main building and is the official symbol of Kyoto University. It is a metaphor for Kyoto University’s long history in fostering research and study, but also its commitment to nurture academic growth in the future.

This event is to  give an introduction to Kyoto University – one of Japan’s highest ranking university — and its first class study opportunities to students and administrative staffs of European partner universities. Learn more about the  unique experience of studying at Kyoto University through reports by former exchange students and connect with other students, staffs and us!

This event is designed for students at European Universities who are interested in Kyoto University. We also welcome administrative staffs joining our event. 



Event Information

Date: 2021/9/08 (Wed)

Time: 10:00–11:30 (CEST)
(Note: Due to complications the event had to be moved forward.)



  1. Welcome Address by Prof. Yokoyama (Director of Kyoto University European Center & Deputy Executive Vice-President of Gender Equality and International Affairs)
  2. Introduction to Kyoto University
  3. Study Opportunities at Kyoto University
  4. Students Testimonials
  5. Q & A
  6. Networking



To participate in this event, please fill out the registration form below and read our privacy policy carefully. The form also allows you to ask questions in advance.

Register here (Deadline 3 September 2021)

After successfully registering, you will receive the link to the online sessions (ZOOM & Gather  [Networking]) on 6 September.


Preliminary Information


Kyoto University European Center


Why Kyoto University?

Introduction to Kyoto University


Why choose Kyoto?


Further Information

For more information about Kyoto University and our exchange program, please visit:
