Experience Japan Exhibition 2016 in London(2016年11月19日・London)

On November 19th, Kyoto University European Center represented Kyoto University at the Experience Japan Exhibition, which was organized by the Royal Society

The exhibition was a great success with 680 visitors coming to the exhibition and a queue forming at the entrance of the venue.

The Kyoto University European Center presented Kyoto University’s Exchange programs at the general session and provided information at its booth supported by the head of JSPS London and Kyoto University professor emeritus Takeyasu Kunio.

Most questions by university student interested in continuing their education at a Japanese university concerned practical matters like how to find a graduate school fitting their field of study and interest. Furthermore, information on administrative procedures like getting approval by the student council before heading to Japan was frequently requested.


Presentation of Kyoto University at the general information session Prof. Takeyasu Kunio counseling students


