Summer Stammtisch 2018 (July 19, Heidelberg)

The Kyoto University European Center held its “Stammtisch” (round table) on 19 July 2018 in Heidelberg as a chance to meet fellow researchers and students, build networks or just get together and find like-minded people interested in Kyoto or Kyoto University .

This summer’s Stammtisch took place right after the 10. Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture, which was held at the Alte Aula at Heidelberg University. Therefore, the lecturer, Prof. Hiroshi Abe, and the commentator, PD Dr. Jens Heise joined our Stammtisch and had lively discussions with other participating scholars and students. One of them, who came all the way from Toulouse (France) to hear the lecture, had an animated conversation about philosophy with Prof. Abe.

More than 30 people came to the Stammtisch and enjoyed having a chat or exchanging thoughts and information. People who joined included the participants of the Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture, Kyoto University graduates, European students planning to study at Kyoto University as well as Japanese exchange students and German language students currently studying in Heidelberg, etc.

European Center will keep providing opportunities like this for networking and connecting people. We are looking forward to meeting you at the next Stammtisch in winter semester.
