The DNA for ECRs (Doitsu-Nihon Academy for ECRs) workshop was held in Kyoto over two days on 9 and 10 June, 2023.
This workshop has been co-organised by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Tokyo Office and the our office (Kyoto University European Center) since 2021, and was the sixth in the series, entitled “Expanding your Reach: A Primer to Networking and Collaboration for Early Career Researchers”.
A total of 16 participants (undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students), eight from Kyoto University and eight DAAD scholarship recipients in Japan, were present, eight male and eight female, and from a variety of different fields of specialisation.
The trainer, Dr. Irina Filonova, comes from a research background and interspersed her own rich experiences with the opportunity to learn about communication for networking, mainly through group work. The participants, who were a little nervous at the start of the workshop, seemed to have mellowed out as soon as the workshop began, and after the tasks were completed, there was no end to the conversation, and the participants seemed to have mastered the networking techniques.
After the end of the workshop, all participants were happy to give feedback that all of them would recommend the workshop to others. We will hold an online catch-up session in one-month-time and are looking forward to hearing about their own experiences after the workshop.