16th Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture: “Leveraging Clinical Data for Research on a National Scale: The MIRACUM Consortium in the German Medical Informatics Initiative” (Kyoto University, December 4, 2019)

The 16th Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture was held on December 4, 2019. In his lecture Prof. Thomas Ganslandt (Executive Director of the Heinrich-Lanz Centre for Digital Health and Head of the Department for Biomedical Informatics, Heidelberg University) talked about “Leveraging Clinical Data for Research: The MIRACUM Consortium in the German Medical Informatics Initiative” in front of 20 students and researchers from Kyoto University. Comments were provided by Prof. Tomohiro Kuroda (Division for Medical Informatics, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University).

Prof. Ganslandt’s main topic was the MIRACUM Consortium* (Medical Informatics in Research and Care in University Medicine), which he is a member of. First he introduced MIRACUM to the audience, and then talked about its implementation strategies and achieved results since its foundation in 2015. He further gave examples for its practical usage in research and an outlook into the future of this project.

In his following commentary Prof. Tomohiro Kuroda, who is one of the creators and managers of Kyoto University clinics’ patient data system, explained the architecture of Japanese medical data platforms in detail while comparing it to the German system.The main difference, in his eyes, is that the German system is strategically planned before being actually implemented, whereas the Japanese system is updated while already in use. He concluded his comment with a discussion on advantages and disadvantages of both approaches.

After the contributions of Prof. Ganslandt and Prof. Kurota, questions and comments by the audience in the Q&A session mainly concerned the practical usage of these platforms and its possible outcome.

We are glad that the first Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture connecting medical and data science was such a success.

Before the lecture, Prof. Kuruta gave Prof. Ganslandt a presentation on how medical data is collected and administered at Kyoto University medical facilities about which the latter had many question. The presentation, the Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture along with the many discussions around Prof. Ganslandt’s visit made this into a fruitful meeting for both sides.


Prof. Ganslandt lecturing at Kyoto University
Taking a tour at Kyoto University medical facilities 

* The MIRACUM Consortium was founded under the direction of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. It is one of four medical information networks which aim to serve as a platform for the mutual exchange of data between research facilities. With Tubingen University at its center, Heidelberg University, Dresden Technical University and 10 other universities are participating in this consortium.

Further information on the lecture and the program can be found here.


