【Internal Use Only】Open Call for Funding of Joint Research Projects by HeKKSaGOn Member Universities (Deadline: March 31, 2024)

HeKKSaGOn, an alliance of six universities in Japan and Germany of which Kyoto University is a member, has announced that it will provide grants for approximately three years to joint research projects that involve collaboration by researchers from at least three of the HeKKSaGOn member universities (Kyoto University, Osaka University, Tohoku University, Heidelberg University, University of Göttingen, and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). The decision to provide the funding was made at the 9th HeKKSaGOn Japanese-German University Presidents’ Conference, which was held in September 2023.

If you wish to apply for the funding, please read the attached call for applications, and send the required application documents to the staff in charge at the University of Göttingen (email address below) by the deadline.


The grant will be awarded to joint research projects involving researchers from at least three of the HeKKSaGOn member universities. Priority will be given to joint projects that fall within the scope of one of the following themes.
1.    Transcultural Studies and the Transformation of Societies
2.    Data Science, Digitalization, and Artificial Intelligence
3.    Life Science, Medicine, and Changing Environments

Funding Method and Amount

The selected projects will receive funding from one or more of the HeKKSaGOn member universities. The method of funding and amount of the grant will vary depending on the university(s) that are providing it. These details will be provided after the projects have been selected.

In the case of projects funded by Kyoto University, the funding will be provided to the project researchers affiliated with Kyoto University, and the maximum amount provided will be 1.5 million yen per year.

Number of Projects that will Receive Funding

Approximately 6

Project Implementation Period

July 1, 2024–October 31, 2027
The above implementation period is subject to a mid-term evaluation, which will be conducted at the HeKKSaGOn Japanese-German University Presidents’ Conference, scheduled for November 2025. The continuation of the funding must be approved by the presidents of the HeKKSaGOn member universities at the conference.

Confirmation of Intention to Apply

Project lead coordinators or co-coordinators who intend to apply for the funding are requested to contact Kyoto University’s International Affairs Division ( ipromo📧mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac▪jp ) by March 11 (Mon.) to confirm their intention to apply.

Application Documents

  1. Application Form
  2. Financial Plan  

*Please find the format under the “YARI” link, below.

Application Procedures

Applications must be submitted by the project’s lead coordinator to Dr. Martin Jagonak, the University of Göttingen (martin.jagonak📧zvw.uni-goettingen▪de).
If the lead coordinator is affiliated with Kyoto University, please be sure to CC the documents to Kyoto University’s International Affairs Division ( ipromo📧mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac▪jp ).

Application Deadline

9:00 a.m. (JST), March 31, 2024 (Sun.) / 1:00 a.m. (CEST), March 31, 2024 (Sun.)

Contact for Information and Inquiries

International Affairs Division, Kyoto University

Matching Support

For assistance with finding research collaborators at the partner institutions (matching support), please contact the Kyoto University European Center in Heidelberg ( heidelberg📧oc.kyotou.ac▪jp ).

Relevant Websites

YARI, Kyoto University’s grant search engine for researchers


Kyoto University European Center
