“The 11th University Administrators Workshop” at Chulalongkorn University on Febuary 4-5, 2016

Kyoto University was 1 of the co-host with Chulalongkorn University and Hongkong University of Science and Technology for holding “The 11th University Administrators Workshop”. The theme of this year is focused on ‘UAW’s First Decade: Looking Back and Moving towards a Brighter Future”. Most of the participants were from many various universities from inside and outside Thailand.

For the 1st day, the session was provided for 2 sessions: The Exchange of Students between and within the Region: North/South and South/South, and promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration: Leading a Hose to Water But Hoe do you make Him Drink?.

For the 2nd session, Professor Junichi Mori, Vice president for International Relations, Kyoto University was the Moderator and Mr. Daisuke Yamada Section Chief, International Affairs Division, Kyoto University lectured for the title: The Challenge of Developing Kyoto University Oversea Office. In the afternoon, they had held a workshop which divided into 4 groups for learning about the academic activities of educational collaboration in the future.

For the 2nd day, the session was provided for 2 sessions: Promoting and Improving Student and Faculty Services: How to Achieve the Balance?, and Memoranda Of Understanding: is it Time for a New Approach? (Are they of Any Use?)

This is the great opportunity to exchange information among partner universities. The next workshop will be held at Kyoto




