The 7th Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture: What Matters in 21st Century Learning: From the Surface to the Deep Structure of Instructional Quality in Schools

7th Nichi-Doku Joint Lecutre   

Lecturer: Prof. Anne Sliwka

Professor at the Institute for Educational Science, University of Heidelberg/ Adjunct Professor at Heidelberg University of Education

Commentator: Dr. Ishii Terumasa 

Associate Professor Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education, Kyoto University

Date: 6. February 2017, 18:15–20:30

Venue: Yoshida International Exchange Hall, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University



Many international reports have been calling for a change in the way we organize learning in the 21st century. Both the digital revolution and the emerging research on growth mindset, formative assessment and learner engagement point to the need for a new mix of teacher-centered instruction and learner-centered co-construction in the design of learning in schools.

These new approaches raise a number of questions with regard to instructional quality and learning outcomes. In my talk, I will analyze current international developments in 21st century learning. I will argue that we need to strengthen the “deep structure” of innovative learning environments in order to develop in our students the cognitive, meta-cognitive and social-emotional competences that will equip learners with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to navigate their personal and professional lives in the 21st century.





18:15 Welcoming Address





Prof. Dr. phil. Anne Sliwka (Institute for Educational Science, University of Heidelberg)

“What Matters in 21st Century Learning: From the Surface to the Deep Structure of Instructional Quality in Schools”




Dr. Ishii Terumasa (Associate Professor Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education, Kyoto University)

19:20 Discussion
19:45 Reception
20:30 Closing


Registration & Contact

Deadline: 1 February

Please send us an e-mail containing your name and affiliated organization to the following address:

Heidelberg University Office Kyoto
Telephone: 075-753-5413



Prof. Dr. phil. Anne Sliwka

Professor of Educational Science, University of Heidelberg/ Adjunct Professor Heidelberg University of Education

Anne Sliwka is Professor of Education at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. Her research focusses on school improvement and adolescent learning engagement. Anne Sliwka has co-authored studies on teacher professionalism, innovative learning environments and formative assessment for the European Union and the OECD.


Ishii Terumasa 

Associate Professor Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education, Kyoto University

Associate Professor Dr. Ishii Terumasa earned his PH.D. at Kyoto University. In his research he focuses on the development of theories on educational objectives and assessment in the United States. He also assisted K-12 teachers in Japan to design curricula, teaching and assessment around “Authentic Learning”.


* The lecture series “Nichi-Doku Joint Lecture” is organized in close cooperation of the Kyoto University European Center, Heidelberg Office, and the Heidelberg University Office, Kyoto, the liaison offices of both universities in Japan and Germany. It aims at promoting and strengthening research exchange between Heidelberg University and Kyoto University.

