AI DA: Supporting international career development of ambitious early carrier researchers
AI DA (Ambitious Intelligence ・ Dynamic Acceleration)” is a generic name of the programs managed by Kyoto University Research Administration (KURA) in collaboration with international funding agencies and etc., in which we aim to accelerate international carrier development of ambitious early carrier researchers (ECRs).
Currently, the DAAD-Kyoto University Partnership Programme towards SDGs provides funding to assist the mobility and network of ECRs between Germany and Kyoto University. AIDA team also collaborates with partner foundations, cultural, and industrial organizations and provide useful information and opportunities for ECRs.
(Photo) “Kamogawa Talk”, joint event organized at Goethe Institute Villa Kamogawa
Program Website and Researcher’s Report
The related event, information and activity reports by previous awardees are available on the AI DA / DAAD-Kyoto program website
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DAAD and Kyoto U jointly support Early Career Researchers’ academic exchange.
The DAAD-Kyoto University Partnership Programme towards SDGs provides funding to assist the mobility and network of junior scholars and early career researchers in order to foster academic exchange and cooperation between higher education and research institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany and Kyoto University for the purpose of advancing research that will contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
KURA office staff and Kyoto University European Center support researchers exchange between Kyoto University and Institutions in Germany.
(Photo) Exchange with early career researchers at CECAD, Cologne
Program Types
Type 1: Mutual ECRs’ mobility between a German university / research institution and Kyoto University
(Two-ways: ECRs exchanged between KU and German Research Groups)
Type 2: Sharing ECR(s)’ mobility from Kyoto University to a German university / research institution
(One-way: KU ECR(s) to German Host Research Group)
Type 3: Sharing ECR(s)’ mobility from a German university / research institution to Kyoto University
(One-way: German ECR(s) to KU Host research Group)
Eligible ECRs
Early-career researchers (ECRs) are defined as students who are currently pursuing a doctoral degree or researchers who have held a PhD degree for a maximum of five years (excluding time for maternity leave).
Funding provided by the program:
International air fare and accommodation costs, expenses for symposium and conference participation fees, etc.
*Successful applicants will be selected by both the screening committee at Kyoto University and DAAD.
For further details, please see the “Program Guidelines” on the KURA office website
For Researchers in Germany, please refer to the application procedures on the DAAD website (German only).
Kyoto University Research Administration Office (KURA)
AIDA Program Team (Taro Sonobe, Osamu Kuwata, Tamaki Suzuki. Asa Nakano, Aron Wittfeld, Takao Nakakubo)
TEL : +81 (0)75-753-5179
E-Mail: (Please replace “-a-” with “@”.)