
Kyoto University Funding Program
Funded Applicants and Reports

R5年度 General Program

京都大学側 コーディネーター チューリヒ大学側 コーディネーター 報告書
Intensive Workshop: “The Political Uses of Myth in Japan”
Fernando Gustavo Wirtz
(文学研究科 助教)
Raji Steineck
(Professor, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
A Regulatory Framework for Artificial Intelligence
稲谷 龍彦
(法学研究科 教授)
1.Florent Thouvenin
(Professor, Faculty of Law)
2.Peter Georg Picht
(Professor, Faculty of Law)
Modelling Sustainable Finance
原 千秋
(経済研究所 教授)
Thorsten Hens
(Professor, Department of Banking and Finance, Economics, Business and Informatics)
Co-creation of an integrated transcription therapeutic approach to regulate allergic immune response
Ganesh Pandian Namasivayam
(物質-細胞統合システム拠点(iCeMS) 講師)
Cezmi Akdis
(Director and Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research, Christine Kühne-Center for Allergy)


R5年度 ECR Program

申請者 受入研究者 支援若手研究者 報告書
Pushing the technical boundaries of environmental microbiology by connecting the two “pilot lakes”
岡嵜 友輔
(化学研究科 助教)
Adrian-Stefan Andrei
(Group Leader, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology)
Collaborative neuroscience research for developing new drugs targeting GPR55 with the goal of treating neuropathic pain
Adam T. Guy 
(生命科学研究科  准教授)
Esther Stoeckli
(Professor, Department of Molecular Life Sciences)
Linchi Chen
Programmable DNA-based tools to detect inflammation markers
Ganesh Pandian Namasivayam
Marie-Charlotte Brüggen
(Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology (University Hospital Zurich),
Faculty of Medicine (UZH),
Christine Kühne Foundation of Allergy Research and Education (CK CARE))
Mahima Kumar


R4年度 General Program

京都大学側 コーディネーター チューリヒ大学側 コーディネーター 報告書
Establishment of cell purification method for the next-generation cell therapy
  齊藤 博英
(iPS細胞研究所(CiRA) 教授)
Simon Philipp Hoerstrup
(Professor, Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IREM))
Synergistic joint research to regulate mitochondrial function and control inflammation associated with aging of skin cells
  Ganesh Pandian Namasivayam
(物質-細胞統合システム拠点(iCeMS)  講師)
Marie-Charlotte Brüggen
(Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology (University Hospital Zurich),
Faculty of Medicine (UZH),
Christine Kühne Foundation of Allergy Research and Education (CK CARE))


R4年度 ECR Program

申請者 受入研究者 支援若手研究者 報告書
High-dimensional, low-sample-size data analysis in machine learning
中山 優吾 
(情報学研究科 助教)
Manuel Günther 
(Assistant Professor, Department of Informatics)


Funding within the strategic partnership between
Kyoto University (KU) and the University of Zurich (UZH)

R3年度 General Program

京都大学側 コーディネーター チューリヒ大学側 コーディネーター 報告書
Joint Workshop on Legal Responses to Doping
髙山 佳奈子
(法学研究科 教授)
Gian Ege
(Senior Teaching and Research Assistant, Faculty of Law)
Zurich-Kyoto Future Medicine Cluster: Creating Multilingual Medical AI Solutions
藤本 晃司
(医学研究科 特定准教授)
Michael Krauthammer
(Professor, Department Quantitative Biomedicine (UZH), Chair of Medical Informatics (USZ))
Recent developments in fundamental and applied plant molecular biology
那須田 周平
(農学研究科 教授)
Kentaro K. Shimizu
(Full professor, Faculty of Science, Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies)
Exploiting the power of the emerging plant model Marchantia polymorpha for evolutionary and functional studies
河内 孝之
(生命科学研究科  教授)
Ueli Grossniklaus
(Professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology)
Towards a universal solution: Editing iPSCs for stroke therapy
堀田 秋津
Christian Tackenberg
(Group Leader and Scientific Head of Stem Cell Research, Institute for Regenerative Medicine (IREM))
Positioning Japan in Transpacific Histories of Labour, Migration and Environmental Change
Kjell David Ericson
(学際融合教育研究推進センター 特定助教)
Martin Dusinberre
(Professor and Chair for Global History, Department of History)
Technology integration to achieve artificial regulation of white adipose tissue inflammation in obesity using SMART genetic switches

Ganesh Pandian Namasivayam
(物質-細胞統合システム拠点(iCeMS)  講師)

Marie-Charlotte Brüggen
(Assistant Professor, Department of Dermatology (University Hospital Zurich),
Faculty of Medicine (UZH),
Christine Kühne Foundation of Allergy Research and Education (CK CARE))


R3年度 ECR Program

申請者 受入研究者 支援若手研究者 報告書
Covariation of the skull and pelvic morphologies in primates as a mechanism to explain encephalization and bipedality in humans
森本 直記
(理学研究科 准教授)
Christoph Zollikofer
(Professor, Anthropological Institute and Museum, Department of Anthropology)
富澤 佑真


チューリヒ大学との戦略的パートナーシップ連絡会 参加部局*

  • 法学研究科     
  • 人間・環境学研究科 
  • 理学研究科     
  • 医学研究科    
  • 農学研究科    
  • iPS細胞研究所    
  • ヒト行動進化研究センター 


