2nd UAW Program and Details


Opening Remarks and Guest Speeches

Opening Remarks and Guest Speeches (PDF:1.17MB)

Session A-I

Promoting International Research Collaborations

Promoting International Research Collaborations (PDF:7.21MB)

Session A-II

Promoting International Research Collaborations (PDF:6.66MB)

Session B

Fostering and Recruiting Internationally Competitive Human Resources

Fostering and Recruiting Internationally Competitive Human Resources (PDF:4.32MB)

Session C-I

Strengthening Governance and Management of International Offices

Strengthening Governance and Management of International Offices (PDF:2.12MB)

Session C-II

Strengthening Governance and Management of International Offices

Strengthening Governance and Management of International Offices (PDF:5.07MB)


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E-mail kokusa850*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (“*“を@に置き換え)
